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Dedicated to FreclyFace for supporting me!

Harry POV

We climbed into some boats, as we were told to by a giant guy, ugly, massive and horrible. Hagrid, Draco says he was called. He was obviously a favourite sort of teacher. I saw Hermione and some freckly, fattish ginger kid talking to him, and he was talking back, ignoring everyone else.

I started telling Draco about my time on the train before I met him. I felt a pang when he called Hermione a 'filthy Mudblood' and advised me to stay away from her. 'I heard her parents are dentists,' he spat. I told him I didnt know what those were, so he added, 'scary people who put metal on top of your teeth and experiment on them, or pull them out, or even drill holes in them.'

This sounded horrible, but I changed tack. 'People cant help their parents, though, can they?' As I said it, I thought of my own dad. Draco snorted and said no more. I looked over at Hermione, and saw her in a whole new light. A beautiful, white toothed smile on her face. Wavy hair, flicking as she turned her head. She was laughing at some joke Neville Longbottom, or The Boy Who Lived, had told. Her hair was flying in slow motion, a whirl of glossy brown, and that smile-wow!

But when you're bound to be in Slytherin coz of your dad, how can you be in love with a Ravenclaw!

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