The Decision

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The Other Malfoy

The Decision

Harry POV

Hermione dragged me into the nearest empty classroom and glared at me. 'So,' she said in a dangerous voice.

I would have quite dearly loved to say 'So what?', but felt it wasn't the time. 'Whats up, Hermione?' I asked innocently.

'Lorissa Black?! Harry, you've got a choice of girls and you go for the thief?!' Hermione yelled.

'Thief? Who said anything about her being a thief?'

'Oh, Harry! Nowadays, its disrespectful for Muggles and wizards to mate! Sirius and Tess barely get any money. Oh, but if they knew she stole... She goes out stealing games and consoles and sweets and all sorts of stuff. Choose now. Do you love me or Lorissa?'

I thought and thought. I could see there was no way out of it. 'I choose you,' I said.

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