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We sneaked down corridor after corridor, stealthily following the dark shadows of Seamus and Neville. Draco kept whimpering. He was a bit of a goody-goody. I was a bit scared too. Was it just a set-up?

'Whoa!' I shouted as something rammed into me and fell onto the floor with a squeal of surprise. Seamus and Neville wheeled around. Neville was staring at the girl on the floor. She had a Hufflepuff tie and was in third year at least. 'What's going on? Why are you following us, Harry? And Darcy, what are you doing here?' exclaimed Neville quietly, as the girl ( Darcy Verita) picked up the things she had dropped. She had just put her spare ink in her bag when all five of them heard the unmistakeable wheezing of filch, the caretaker. If he caught us out of bed, we were dead.

We looked at each other, and ran for it.

I'll tell you, it was commotion of the century. Peeves the poltergeist heard our footsteps and happily glided around, yelling, 'Kids out of bed! Kids out of bed!' over and over. Still in their night things, teachers started poking their heads out of their offices, bleary eyed and yawning. The students filled the corridors, and Darcy, me, Draco, Neville and Seamus ran up the moving staircases. Praying clumsy Neville wouldn't get stuck in a trick stair, we just ran and ran. We could still hear Filchs footsteps, but to our relief, they seemed very far away. We found a likely looking door that was locked, but Darcy muttered a little spell (Alobolora?Alohomora? Something like that) and the lock clicked. We piled in and breathed a sigh of relief as Filchs footsteps died away. We could hear teachers yelling that it was a false alarm, one of Peeves' little jokes, and that no one was out of bed, and then to our amusement, practically begging the kids not to take the mickey out of Filch. Suddenly, we heard some girl pipe up, 'There is someone out of bed! Where's Darcy?'

We held our breath. 'And Neville! And Seamus!' someone added.

'What about Harry and Draco?' shouted some boy in our dormie. Note to self: strangle the dratted traitor. 'Staff shall look for the students,' McGonagall said. 'So, who are we looking for? Darcy Verita, Seamus Finnigan and Neville Longbottom from Hufflepuff, and Harry and Draco Malfoy from Slytherin? Okay, got it. Now off to bed, all of you!'

Suddenly, Neville pulled my sleeve and whimpered. 'What?!' I snapped impatiently. Then I saw what.

A very unimpressed three headed dog.

The Other Malfoy (Sequel To Clash)Where stories live. Discover now