Ch.15 Draco's Strange Behaviour

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A few days later...

Harry POV

The Slytherin Common Room

Draco and I looked around the packed common room. 'Nobody,' I whispered to him.'Theres nobody here who'd be on Voldemort's side. His Spy.'

'There is,' Draco replied gravely. I glanced swiftly at him, studying his unreadable expression. 'What makes you say that?' I asked.

'I dunno,' he responded, 'but its someone in here. I know it. I can feel it.'

I fell silent and rested my eyes in turn on each person in the room. Various possibilities rolled through my head. Millicent Bulstrode, Crabbe, Goyle.....?

No. None of them. 'Who do you think it is, Draco?' I enquired, glancing at him. His eyes were glazed over suddenly. 'What? Oh, yes. I'd like mine with chocolate spread,' he answered in an dull voice, not looking at me.

Not something Draco does. I gently waved my hand in front of his face, expecting him to go, 'Fooled you! You should have seen your face...'

But he didn't. Only one spell I knew of had weird side effects like this.

The Imperius Curse.

'Stay there,' I ordered Draco, and rushed through the portrait hole and down the corridor, running, until-


It was Professor Snape. Oh, thank goodness. He taught Potions. Surely he could whip up a remedy for the Imperius Curse in no time.

'Professor!' I gasped breathlessly. 'You have to help me! It's Draco, he-I think he's one of the-'

I broke off. I wasn't allowed to tell anyone about finding His spies.

'One of the what, Mr Malfoy?'

I came up with the lamest excuse ever. 'One of the dunces,' I said. Professor Snape raised an eyebrow. I started to get desperate.

'Uhh, yea. One of the dunces. I, um, organised with Professor Dumbledore to get him extra private lessons.'

'So why do you need help?'

'Well, I don't know where the Headmasters office is, and I need to ask him when the lessons start,' I improvised. Professor Snape seemed to swallow this pathetic story. 'Okay, Mr. Malfoy,' he said after a minute. 'The headmasters office is down the hall, then turn left. Good day. The password is 'cauldron cake.'

He strode away. I rushed off, following his directions and soon found myself looking at a huge stone gargoyle blocking my path to some stairs. 'Uhhh...cauldron cake?' I enquired nervously. To my shock, the gargoyle shook it's marble head and said in a gravelly voice, 'Try it without the 'uhh'.'

Totally bemused, I said, 'Cauldron cake.'

The gargoyle leaped aside and I raced up the stairs and hammered on the door. 'Come in!' called Dumbledore from inside.

Obediently, I raced in. 'Professor, it's Draco- I think he's a spy-'

'Show me,' Dumbledore interrupted. I led him into the common room and showed him. 'Yes,' Dumbledore nodded gravely. 'He is.'

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