Ch.16 The Matron's Secret

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Later That Night

Hospital Wing

Harry POV

'Yep, he's under the Imperius Curse alright, ' Madam Pomfrey told me, drawing the curtains around Draco's bed.

'Can you fix it?' I asked anxiously.

'Of course,' Madam Pomfrey replied grimly, 'but...he wont enjoy it, put it this way.'

This made my stomach lurch. 'What makes you say that?' I enquired, dreading the answer.

'This medicine I have to give him,' the matron responded, holding up a small glass vial filled with a lilac coloured liquid, 'is the most revolting tasting medicine I have ever given or taken. I should know. I was given some myself once.'

'Why did you need it?' Harry asked interestedly.

Madam Pomfrey pointedly looked at her watch. 'Oh dear, look at the time! Return to your dormitory please, Mr Potter. Good night.'

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