An Unexpected Ally

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AN I am sooo grateful to all you guys reading this-you're making my life worth living!!! *embarrassed face* sorry, I overdid it. I am wayyy too sentimental!!

We backed away- Snape laughed-for the first time, it was a real, non-mirthless laugh, coming from Snape. What next?

'What are you lot doing prowling forbidden areas of the school at night?' he asked, lip curling.

'Please sir, we-'

'Oh, forget it, you nugget!' Snape laughed-shall we start a book called Teacher's Secret Habits?-and grinned at us. 'I was joking. As if I care what you're doing! Well, actually, owing to the-um-'

He studied our unusual combination-'lack of usual house rivalry...'

'We're friends,' I put in hastily, not wanting him to get any ideas about me and Darcy. Obviously she noticed and threw me a dark look.

'Hmm, I see,' Snape replied, looking as though pigs would fly before he believed us. 'Anyway sir-' I started, but Snape shushed me. He pressed his ear to the door into the next room. 'It's Quirrell,' he whispered to us. I didnt get it, nor did Draco, but Darcy, Seamus and Neville did. Neville nearly fainted, Darcy clapped her hands to her mouth and Seamus said, ' You're joking?'

Seeing our blank expressions, Darcy seized our schedules and scanned them, then shoved them back into our arms. 'Quirrel's a Defence against the dark arts teacher,' she explained. Suddenly, the door burst open and Quirrell's livid face glared down at us all.

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