Ch.19 What's Up, Hermione?

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Ch.19 What's Up, Hermione?

'Students out of bed! Students out of bed in the Ravenclaw common room!' Peeves the annoying polyergiest yelled at the top of his lungs. I knew better than to try and shut him up. He'd only scream even louder.

'Shush!' I told Hermione, who unlike me, wasn't used to running from Filch. She was quivering and tears were still pouring out of her.

'Come on!' I muttered, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the common room. Cho and Luna saw me-a Slytherin boy-a MALFOY- and nearly fainted. 'Stupid goody-goodies,' I muttered, and dragged Hermione out again and along the corridor. We could hear Filch's wheezing pants getting closer. Hermione started to hyperventilate, from shock and fear'Its okay, Mione,' I whispered to her. 'But please, please shush. He'll hear us.'

I pulled us into an empty classroom and, shaking, we hid under a desk and watched from the window with baited breath. Filch walked right past the classroom, and we breathed a sigh of relief. 'What's up, Hermione?' I enquired as we tiptoed unnoticed back to our common rooms. Her face was still streaked with tears.

'Its Mum,' Hermione replied, trembling. 'She-her and dad have found-found out that actually-I have a twin sister. W-when Mum was pregnant with me, she was told she had twins but one of us wouldn't make it. St.Mungos called them-they realised that the child that they had been looking after in the ward till she was claimed was-actually my twin. And she's coming to Hogwarts.'

Harry nodded, then added, 'Whats her name?'

'Lynx,' Hermione spat with obvious disgust, 'and she looks exactly like me.'

'Oh.' I nodded again. 'And you're scared she'll be the favourite and you'll get left out?'

'Yup,' Hermione confirmed.

And we parted ways to head to our separate common rooms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2012 ⏰

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