The Spy

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AN It's starting to get verrryyy interesting now ^_^ Hope you enjoy, and comment, fan, vote!!!!

Harry POV (as always lol)

We all gasped. Snape jumped in front of us and pointed his wand at Quirrell. 'You must be His spy,' Snape sneered;'jeez, there can't have been much competition, can there? Didn't think Voldemort would pick a little twerp.'

We stifled our sniggers. Quirrell went red. '0 out of 2, Snapey,' he sneered. 'I'm not His spy, and I'm not a twerp either.'

Snape grabbed Quirrel by the neck and pushed him against the wall. 'Who is his spy? Out with it!'

Quirrell shook his head, and Snape's fingers tightened dangerously. 'There are-one-in each-house-' Quirrell choked out, 'one-student-imperius curse-'

Snape let go of Quirrell, who jumped up. They duelled into the next room, and we scurried after them, still stunned. 'Avada Kedavra!' Snape yelled. Quirrell ducked behind a mirror, the curse bounced off and hit-


She didn't have chance to scream. Her blonde locks flying as she fell seemingly in slow motion, she fell and landed on the laminate floor, one arm just touching her hair, the other shouldering her bag, her skirt and tie askew and her legs neatly together.

'She was one of them,' Quirrel panted, pointing to Darcy. We all gasped. Taking the opportunity, Snape hit another Killing Curse at Quirrell, who fell back and crumpled against the opposite wall.

We all stared at the dead body of Darcy.

Darcy the spy.

Darcy the spy.

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