The Rules of Being a Slytherin

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AN Ur late xmas present as promised!! It's a nice, casual chapter, no arguing or violence. It's mainly a brother-brother conversation, halfway through class, tut tut! Oh and I realise it was quite a while since I last updated this, and I am sorry. Writers block. :-( anyway, enjoy! Oh yea, and I don't really care about votes. They don't tell me anything. I'd rather you fanned or commented, It means the world to me and it is great to see what you think of my stories!!!

Harry POV

Draco and I sat in Care of Magical Creatures. We weren't listening to a thing Professor Grubbly-Plank was saying. I had heard bad things about Slytherin since placed in it, and was unsure I really belonged. Mother had been in Gryffindor, the same house as The Boy Who Lived, Neville Longbottom. Draco was busy clueing me up on The Rules of being a Slytherin, none of which I felt I could abide by. 'Rule one,' Draco said, 'Consorting with Mudbloods, halfbreeds, Members of any other house, or blood traitors is strictly forbidden.' When he said that I glanced at gorgeous Hermione and remembered with a pang that she was a 'Mudblood.' 'Rule number two,' Draco continued, interrupting my thoughts, 'Do not cry or scream, or show any sign of weakness. You would disgrace the entire Slytherin house. Be proud, be dignified.'

How in the name of Heaven does he expect me to go through six and a half years not crying or screaming?!

'Three: don't take pity on beggars or poorer people. They just con the money out of their superiors.'

I glanced guiltily at Ron Weasley, a Hufflepuff boy in out year. He looked like a kind boy, not a conner or blackmailer at all, though judging by his Spellotaped wand and second hand, shabby robes, he had much less money than me or Draco. 'Rule four-' Draco quickly shut up. Still gazing at Hermione, I turned to see why.

Grubbly-Plank was looking down at me. 'So, Mr Malfoy, what is the most useful property of Zener Reindeer skin?' she asked sternly.

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