❤fighting for happiness❤

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Ever since I was a kid I've believed in the most smallest things. Like love at first sight or shooting stars, but since I've gotten older it's been hard. I have to fight for my happiness, I have to earn it. Yeah people don't like me, but I don't cry all day knowing one person doesn't like me. When I was young I always had a smile, not one day did I go outside without a smile on my face. Everyone in my neighborhood called me the "happy child" they were right, I was happy about everything, I would look at butterflies and ladybugs and I would be happy, but later in life that changes into something new.

Me I've fought and almost died for happiness but trust me it's worth it. Having friends that I have now that's all I could ever ask for. A lot of people don't have good friends like mine so I'm grateful to have them in my life. Now me fighting for happiness takes a lot of blood and sweat to earn, it's the same thing for everyone. Guys why throw away a perfectly good body that God created for you. He worked so hard why throw it away. Plus if you die young you won't get to know the ending of your own book. You'll never know if you fell in love or ever had kids. We have to fight guys not just give up. I've almost given up, but the fact that I have friends looking out for me gives me the strength I need to keep on pushing and fighting. I have to tell myself everyday "you're going to do great today everyone cares about you do your best" and that's what I do I do my best and I get back up when I fall.

Nobody said life was easy, but you can make it easy if you just see the good with the bad. Yeah I get teased, and yeah I get bullied on, but do you see me crawling on the floor bleeding, no because I get back up and start again. Yeah my friends don't approve of me who cares they didn't make me, so why should I listen to them? I shouldn't right Exactly that's the point. In this world we need to test our mental strength, but within that processes we need to except pain that's just how life works but I'm willing to change that. I'm still young I know, but I have a dream that dream is to help the world be a better place, and to make all the little boys and girls out there to believe in themselves. If I can do it they can do it too.

My past you've heard that it was bad, and it was but there's nothing I can do about that now I'm a kid. I've been bullied, lied to, never saw my dad in a while, crushed, and beat up on. Sounds rough doesn't it, but guess what. I'm still smiling. I'm still alive. I'm alive because I want to help all of you beautiful people that are out there. We are all unique in our own way, but all of us together we are unstoppable, so why give up, why leave all of the most important things of your lives, why leave your friends or family, why would you make your friends think it was they're fault.

Ok here's what y'all can do for me. If you are reading this book I want y'all to promise me something. I want you to write the name of your most amazing friend and what they did to help you. How did they help you? How do they make you happy? Promise me guys. Thanks for everyone that's listening. See you in the next chapter ~akaweirdgirl ❤

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