❤why does time get in the way❤

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Today I'm going to talk about time. Time is everywhere and it never stops, but how does that affect your body you may ask well I'm about to tell you. Ok. Right now your a baby. Your happy, innocent, and loving. You have no care for the world no struggle in your life you're free. Now you turn into a toddler your still dreaming you're still free no pressure just getting older. Now your a kid a little pressure, but your still free you start school and it's easy your happy. Now preteen you go up higher grades in school it gets harder there's more pressure from your teachers and parents you cry once and a while, and you realize your not all that free. Now you're a teenager you start high school more pressure is added you get drama, then you get extra pressure from your parents and teachers. You're always crying asking yourself when is it going to end. You're not free at all. Now you're an adult you have no heart you forget everything you did in life. You have to get a job and you get more angrier. But your free you can do what you want. But you're absolutely heartless. Time is like a person you can't stop when he's hyper. He will take away everything from you even your happiness.

Some adults understand depression and others don't you may wonder why well I'm about to tell you. Some adults were smart and stopped time from getting to them. Now the other adults they were stupid and let time rule their bodies it's sad isn't it. When your a kid you have full heart, but when you get older you have to be careful not to let time consume you, before it's too late. Time is an enemy that we have to get use to. It's in all of us and it never stops moving. So make every second count. If you need to do something do it now before you lose it.

Time and life are two different people did you know? Well let me explain. Time takes away youth and heart, while life crushes your body and takes away everything you have if you play your cards wrong. Now when they work together it's total chaos, but you can beat them. How do you beat life? Well you have to beat life with happiness, confidence, bravery, and courage. How do you beat time? You have to beat time with brains, toughness, mental strength, and bravery to be different. You can beat them it may be hard, but it's never impossible.

Guys time and life are just things. We are people we mean something to everyone. That's why God made us to give us a purpose and a talent. He made time and life so he could figure out who finished their book or not. Remember fight hard and strong. And I'll see you in the next chapter ~akaweirdgirl ❤

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