❤heart breaks❤

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Ok today I'm going to talk about the most common problem with people heart breaks. That's right I went to the scary subject. Every one has heart breaks whether it's with a friend or a date or even family. I'm going to talk about the friend one first.

Ok we all know that feeling of meeting someone in your life that you just can't live without. You talk to them everyday and every night telling each other your deepest secrets and life stories, and it turns out that this person understands every single word that you are saying, and your just happy to have them in your life, but then something changes something within that person snaps and all of a sudden they stop talking to you. You want to know what's wrong, but they won't answer you. They stop talking to you. They leave you alone. They don't need you anymore, but of course you can't live without this person so you wait for them to text first, but end up getting depressed and start cutting. Asking yourself "what did I do wrong." Well let me tell you something it wasn't your fault it was theirs for using you and leaving you, and hey maybe it was a good thing because maybe just maybe you could find someone even better than that person. It hurts I know, but they never cared they just pretended to.

Ok there's another way of friendship heart break. Ok you've known this person all your life ever since you were little kids, but someone new comes along, and your friend starts spending more time with this person, but you blow it over and assume it's nothing. But day after day your friend spends even more time on the other person and soon enough you can't take it anymore and hurt yourself and guess what your friend is going to be crying and suffering for what they did to you. And soon enough they won't be able to take it and want to be with you so they hurt themselves as well.

Now to the all powerful heart break dating. When your dating someone you see whether or not their good for you. But in this world that's not how we do it. When we date someone we immediately tell ourselves that this is the right person when it's not. But anyway let me explain. Ok your dating someone your happy with this person and would do anything for them. But soon enough they start acting weird so that's when you start getting more alert and find out they're cheating on you. Once you break up with them you feel empty like you have no happiness anymore. Your heart breaks and you just cry all night saying to yourself you'll never be good enough. When in all honesty you don't need a date to be happy. You have your friends and family that cares so much about you.

Now here's another way rejection. The worst pain of all. Ok you like this person but you don't know if they like you back. You get butterflies just talking to them and you just melt every time they smile. You can't sleep knowing that you think about them all the time. You finally have the courage to talk to them oh to know they don't love you back. You feel empty, worthless, maybe even ugly, and soon enough you end up hurting yourself. It's sad when you feel like you need to be judged by other people. A boy or girl can't judge you. The only person that can judge you is yourself, but of course us being us we let them judge us and we end up hurt and shattered. Guys we are all unique every single one of you are. You are beautiful in your own way.

Well guys let's go change the world together I want y'all to do something. I want y'all to got to either Instagram or kik or even call your friends and family if your reading this book. Tell them how much you mean to them. Make they're day. They deserve it for sticking with you this whole time. And have fun doing it. Well I'll see you in the next chapter. ~akaweirdgirl ❤

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