❤See you soon❤

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Hey guys. So. I'm gonna take a long break from this special book. But I promise I will come back. But I wanted to say one last thing. Something that I've been keeping. Like a little secret. And mitch_world your gonna wanna hear this.

We're sleeping little children fighting our dreams in our sleep. It's hard, but not impossible well in my belief. Gotta admit I'm kind of tired. I refuse to give in though. I will not change. I will not get trapped. I promised myself that. I'm sorry for being annoying, honestly I know I am.

I'm sorry for being too much to handle. I'm sorry for so many words that come out of my mouth. Heheh. Sorry for being a hot head. But really I should thank my friends for putting up with me.

I may not be god. I may not be a superhero. But there's no reason for me not to try and make the world greater. It'll just take some time to go through every obstacle. But there's more to everyone than just a face. There's more to everyone than just an attitude.

Like how one smile can revive a thousand people from the grave. How one laugh can bring happiness towards others. How one person can be there for the rest of your life. I guess that's what we're doing. Hehehe. Us little kids are afraid to wake up. Truth is we're already awake. We're just sleeping to find answers. To find comfort in other beautiful things.

Ever wonder how beautiful a sky can be? Ever count the stars to see how many people risked their lives for us? Ever look at a sunset to just fall in love with it? Ever look at a beach to get lost in the rhythm of the waves. Ever look at the moon and counted how many times he's died to let the sun breathe? Ever wonder how the planets stay aligned rather than just simple science? Ever just try to find yourself once and a while? Ever find that one person that just loves talking all night in the stars? Or maybe that other person that blows you away with new music?

There's so much in this world. Turns out we're not the only ones going through bad things. The world has went through war. The world has went through suicide of people cutting down nature. It has been raining because the world is trying to tell us that it's hurt. Why the change? Why the makeup? Why the impression? Why the judgement? We all have skulls. We all have bones. We all have the same thing. Just not in the same sculpture as other people. It doesn't matter. We all have a story to tell. It may not be pretty. But at least you can say that you made it to the end of the book.

All books we are. In our own shelves. We are also the authors. See some authors look at some books and just throws those book away. Other authors sit on a bench and treat the book with care. That's until one day you find someone else reading your book and you both smile and read together. You made a new friend. And you both treat each others books with care while you find out the next chapter. You two may cry but you'll hold each others hands through the end.

Some authors may get tired and just stop reading the book. But why? It was such a beautiful piece of work. Well I guess that friendship wasn't meant to last says the author that left. But before that author left you noticed that they tore some pages out of the book making you miss half of your story so you hand write it for the other authors that want to meet you.

And so on and so forth. And here's one quote I made myself that I love. "If you can read the cover don't give us authors the excuse of not being able to read when you only wanted the colors of the book itself." so authors out there. Don't let worthless people waste your time if their only going to read your book for the covers.

Past, present, future

Wise one.. Hero.. Your growing up.. Heh. Seems like yesterday you called yourself rain Sama~ but it's beautiful. Your beautiful. Your this rose. This one red rose that everyone would pick in this huge garden. But some do not know your true values. I know this is kind of stupid. But I just thought I should let this out before I go somewhere else. Your not perfect. Nobody is nowadays. And that's ok. Your flaws are what make up the cuts of the soldier inside you. And right now I'm willing to show you my deep meaning poetry side for a bit so take it in. Your growing up beautifully. Don't let anyone take that. Your still the same strong woman I met long ago. God I'm talking like of we're in our twenties 😂 anyway. Your not strong with emotions. I know. But there's nothing wrong with that. Everybody sucks when it comes to emotions. Everyone cries. Everyone feels like shit. Everyone is going to get fucked up. But key is you gotta breathe and work on yourself. Give your heart some time to heal. I haven't talked like this in a while because I've been afraid of what you would say. Some people find it calming. Others? Well they get annoyed. Your a flame. Dangerous but can be beautiful in the most darkest situations. People try to burn you out. With water and air. But that's not what you need. You need a metal to melt down every time your near them. So you won't burn out and the other person doesn't go out like paper and vanish. Yeah right now we can't really do anything. But we can try. Like I said I'd switch lives if we could but I wouldn't want that. It would be even more painful than what we would have to deal with now. But here's one question I've never been able to ask you. What do you think would've happened if we knew nothing about each other? If we didn't meet? I honestly think you'd still be confident and goofy 😂😂 but yeah. I know I'm weird but you've dealt with it many times 😂 I just wanted to say thanks. And I'm sorry. For being such a jealous, hot head, annoying, clingy, fell in love, crazy, maniac, psychotic kid. 😂 but I mean it though. I'm sorry. And thanks. Your really the only one there nowadays and I seem like I'm too much of a bother so I don't speak. But thanks hero. You'll always be my favorite older person 😂 but here's some words to bring you up. YOU ARE, BEAUTIFUL, GORGEOUS, SMART, FUNNY, STRONG, BRAVE, LOVING, CARING, A HERO, FLAWLESS, LOVABLE, KITTY LOVER, ADORABLE, HARD HEADED, GREAT WITH WORDS, PERFECT FOR YOURSELF, MY SISTER FOR LIFE, A SAVIOUR, A WISE ONE, A LOVER OF THE SKIES AND SEASONS, A LOVER OF KIT KATS 😂😂, A LOVER OF ARMIN ARLERT 😂😂, AND MANY MORE BUT I CAN NOT THINK OF ANY WORDS AT THIS SECOND! 😂😂 OH! YOUR ALSO A SPEAKER OF FRENCH! 😂😂 ok I'm done. 😂😂 *looks back at the words* lord I put everything in caps. It looks like I'm yelling at you for no reason. *facepalms* Damnit akaweirdgirl you had one job dude. One job man! Ugh! Oh well. I hope you enjoy that wise one. 😂😂 and also. I don't know if you remember. But I found an old song I sang to you on Valentine's Day I think. *thinks* was it? Hmm? God I forgot! Ugh! Anyway. It was called I'll be there for you. Heheh. I remember when you said you would sing that song in front of your choir judges. 😂😂😶😶 oh also I should thank you for getting rid of my stage fright. Lol. I guess you just inspire me wise one. That's good cause I wouldn't want anyone else doing that. Even if sometimes you act like a mom 😂😂 I love you anyway though. Your the best. You always were. And I know your gonna stay strong. You may not need me. In fact I know you don't need me. I know that sounds depressing but whatever. Just ignore that. *facepalms* Jesus. I'm sounding weak again. Great. Anyway. Though you don't need me. I will be creeping in the shadows to help you. And then suddenly pop out at you like an enderman 😂😂 I'm kidding. But I will be here. Just in hiding. Like a turtle. 😂😂 and I'm sorry I don't talk about my problems much. You tell me so much. It ain't fair that I just stay quiet and keep shut. Then again I wouldn't be able to bother you. Hmm? *thinks and taps finger on lip* no. I'm not being fair. It's just you got soooo much wise one. You don't need my stupid problems just building up the stress ladder. I could never do that to you. You mean everything to me. Your my best friend. And we'll my favorite older person 😂😂 well your not that old but your old enough. 😂😂 stop growing! 😭 I'm kidding I know I can't make you stop growing. But seriously someone needs to shorten my legs cause I look like a damn Sasquatch. 😂😂😂 I'm too tall! 😭😭 I'm gonna end up hitting the ceiling. 😂😂 but anyway. You deserve so much more. And I wish I can give it to you. But I promise it will all rise up and you'll have that same precious smile. God. That smile. It just... *knocks out for an hour*

~technical difficulties~
~break brought to you by akaweirdgirls awkward moment when she first met you. "cause only she over reacts when meeting someone."

*wakes up and has glass of water* sorry about that wise one. *clears throat* as I was saying. Your just awesome. And I just wanna squeeze you. I know that sounds really weird but it's true. Your like this small stuffed animal and 😣 I just wanna hug you until I die! 😂😂 god I'm weird. But yeah. I think I've said what I needed to say. And I keep listening to this one song and people think I'm crazy 😂😂 then again I am. But thanks for listening wise one. God. If I would've told you all this your phone would've died and exploded 😂😂 thanks. Your the best.

From~ akaweirdgirl

And thank you everyone else for listening. And keep being strong angels. Good luck. And I love you all. Peace. ~akaweirdgirl ❤

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