Chapter Ten: Odette

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I looked in the mirror and smiled at the dress I was wearing. It was a simple dress the fell just to my knees. It was a woodland fairy dress. I don't know. I liked it. Suited me, to be quite honest with you.

"Bit young, don't you think?" A person asked. The voice was deep. It actually scared me. I jumped back, my fingers lighting up with lightning.

"Who was that?" I asked, looking around my house. No one should be here. Very few people know I live here. "What are you doing here?"

"How about you answer my question, before I answer yours?" The mystery voice offered.

"Yeah, it's a bit young. Whatever. I wanted to be a fairy."

"Nah." The voice remarked. A magic fog came out of nowhere and changed my dress into a kinda slutty dress. It was a tight red one that had a long slit that went up to my thigh, my hands and most of my arms were clad in purple gloves.

"What the hell? Dude!" I looked at the dress and gloves before letting out a frustrated sigh. "What the actual hell!"

"Well, your boyfriend is going as Roger Rabbit. Maybe you should go as Jessica Rabbit." The voice stated. I stood up and went back to the mirror. A face, other than mine, was showing up in the glass.

"Who are you?" I asked, looking at the face.

"Mirror, at your service." He nodded his head. "And you, Odette, look marvelous!"

"Thanks." I shook my head. "The party is tomorrow night and I look like the Whore A Babylon." I looked at the mirror.

"No, dear, if you looked like the Whore of Babylon, this is what you'd look like." Suddenly I was in a bunch of rags and looked like I lived in 300 BC.

"Funny." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Put the Jessica Rabbit dress back. I'd rather have that." I snapped. The mirror did it's magic and put the rather slutty dress back on me. "Thanks." I stated.

"You going to dance with the mayor?"

"Maybe. Who cares. I just wanted to leave this god forsaken town. But, noooo! I have to stay for a party. God, this town is freaky!" I shook my head.

"Oh, dear. You really don't know do you."

"What? What do I not know?" I asked, looking at the mirror.

"You can't leave this town. Once you're in this town, you can't leave."

"What do you mean? I need to leave. MY mark is burning more, and more here."

"You dumb girl."

"Shut up! Shut up will you! Oh my god!" I shouted, snapping my fingers at the mirror, causing it to shatter all over the place.

"Haven't you ever heard of a magic mirror?" The voice returned, this time in a different spot. I snapped my fingers at a sheet and covered up the mirror. I pulled the gloves off my hands, snapped my fingers and changed into a simple dress, it was white and tan, the bottom half was a pencil skirt, red heels accompanied it. Just as I made it outside, it started raining. I snapped my fingers, again. A trench coat appeared over my body. I slid into my van and drove off into the town again.

"Obviously. A magic mirror. Of course it's a magic mirror. Clearly. I'm so dumb." I shook my head. I parked the van in front of a shop that was selling books and journals. I grabbed my bag and walked into the shop.

"Hello, what can I help you with?" A lady asked, coming over to me. She had dark brown hair with a few grey wispies. She wore a light blue smock with a white apron over it.

"Just looking. Thank you." I smiled, looking at her. The shop smelt like old leather and paper. I walked into the store more and picked up a leather bound journal and looked through it. I smiled and held it under my arm as I walked around more. I grabbed 4 or 5... Okay... I lied, 10. I grabbed 10 journals before I actually checked out.

"Thank you so much..."

"Belle, please." She smiled. Small wrinkles on the corner of her lips arrowed up.

"Odette. Nice to meet you." I smiled, looking at her. "I'll see you around." I nodded, piling the books into my arms and walking out of the shop. I nearly walked into someone, causing me to almost drop my books.

"Sorry." I gasped, as the person caught some a book or two that feel.

"Pardon me. It was my fault." A familiar voice stated. I looked around the books and saw James. He was wearing tan khakis, a blue and white stripped button up under a dark blue sweater. His hair was combed back.

"Oh, Mister Mayor," I nervously laughed. "I'm so sorry. Busy buying books and journals." I chuckled, moving the books to try and balance them on one hip.

"It's quite alright." He flashed a charming smile. "Let me help you." He stated, going for the stack of books. I smiled and let him take half of them. I lead him towards my van.

"Thank you so much, James." I smiled, opening the back of the van placing the books I had into the back. I took what James had and put into the back aswell.

"Anything to help, Miss. Schmidt." He replied. I looked at him and cocked my head, a confused smile on my lips. I let a small laugh out from my nose.

"I don't think I told you my last name." I placed a fist on my hip and then rubbed the back of my head. James looked at the ground.

"I saw your name on a piece of paper." He explained. I nodded.

"Right. I gotta go." I smiled nervously. "It was nice seeing you." I stated, walking over to the drivers' side of my van.

"You can come over anytime you'd like. I'm sure my kids would love to meet you." He flashed another charming smile.

"Of course, Mister. Mayor. See you tomorrow." I nodded before sliding into my van. As I was driving off, he was whispering something and the stuck a hand out as if he was saying 'goodbye'. 

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