Chapter Twenty One: Maxwell

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Odette had the audacity to turn me into a daisy. A daisy! She turned me into one of the nicest flowers! Well, she tried to, at least. As soon a she snapped her fingers, I muttered a spell. This spell allowed me to change places with anyone I wished. At that moment, I chose Snow White. 

Snow teleported to Odette's house and was instantly changed into a daisy. I doubt Odette even saw her appear. I teleported to the park. A few people shrieked, and Mother's hid their kids as soon as I appeared. I sneered at them. 

Hook had the book. Magic Mirror's could never lie, it was part of the curse. If the mirror said Hook took the book, then Hook took the book. 

Everything was about to come crashing down. Hook could easily kill me right now, and take the other book. He had the spell to turn this entire town into his slaves. There were only two people immune to this spell, me and Odette. The spells like that in these books never worked on the true owners of the books. 

But, if Hook enacted the spell, he could easily have Peter kill us both. He could kill us with a snap of his fingers, all he had to do was read. 

I rushed back to the house, hoping Peter was there. We had to take Hook down and get the book. If we didn't everybody was going to die, starting with us.

"Peter!" I exclaimed upon entering the house. 

"What?" he was in his bedroom.

When he stepped out and saw my frantic face, he was instantly on guard. 

"What's wrong? Are you being chased?"

"No, not this time," I took a deep breath, "Hook stole the other book from Odette. He has the spell to turn this entire town into his personal army."

Peter's face paled further than usual, "What do we do?"

"We have to get the book back, but, if Hook actually did read the book, he'd have placed a protection spell around the house. Only those he wants in can get in."

"Alright, then we need someone on the inside."

Both of us came upon the realization at the same time. There was only three people who could always get into Hook's house; the kids who lived there. 

"Wendy!" we both exclaimed. 

John could do it, but he would never be convinced, and Michael was much to young. They both may have gone to Neverland as well, but they had completely forgotten. They never became a part of Neverland, because Peter never fell in love with them. 

Peter did fall in love with Wendy. Since he had created Neverland, he was a part of it. Wendy also became a part of it, and thus, it became a part of her. She still remembered it, and her time with Peter. It might just be buried underneath tons of spells. 

"She won't help us," Peter sighed, "You heard her, she thinks we're monsters."

His voice sounded like someone who had lost the one true light in his life. He had been like this ever since returning from Neverland. He had been like this since he lost Wendy.

"I can make her remember," I sighed, "I can make her remember everything. I know a spell."

His eyes flickered, "What? And you didn't tell me?!"

"I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't let me do it!"


I took a deep breath, "Because, it will cause her unbearable pain, and, there's a twenty percent chance she might die from it."

Peter's shoulders fell, as did his face. HE seemed to contemplate this. After weighing his options, ultimate annihilation or a twenty percent chance his love might die, he came to a conclusion.

"Okay," he frowned, "Alright, I'll go get her, you get everything together."

I nodded, watching as he flew out the window. As soon as he was gone, I set to work. First, I had to brew the potion. Eye of dragon, children's tears, orphan blood, dog tails, and essence of a final breath. The potion turned the color of raven's when it was done.

I poured the potion into three glass vials before carrying it down into the basement. In one cell, there was a chair with chains hanging off the side. A table sat in the corner, and I set the potion bottles on that. I also set a special dagger next to the bottles.

This dagger had been passed down with my book. It had runes engraved into the blade, giving it the perfect magical touch. The hilt was made of amber, with bones frozen inside. It was a magical blade, one that was only used to important spells.

When Peter arrived, he had an unconscious Wendy draped across his shoulder. He set her down on the chair, and chained her up.

"Are you sure this will work?" he asked. 

"It'll either work, or it'll kill her."

He seemed apprehensive, but went with it anyways. I walked up to Wendy and shook her head. She woke up, screaming as soon as she saw where she was. 

"Let me go!" she screamed. 

Peter leaned in the corner, making sure not to look at her. I, however, looked her straight in the eye. 

"Look, Wendy, I'm not going to kill you. We need your help, and they only way for you to help us it to get rid of the spell you're under. You need to remember, and this is the only way."

Wendy looked terrified. Of course, who wouldn't be. I stepped back towards Peter. 

"You should go upstairs," I frowned, "There's no need for you to be here for this."

He didn't object, simply turning on his heel and leaving. I turned back towards Wendy.

"W-What're you gonna do to me?" she asked. 

Tears were falling down her cheeks. I felt a stab of sympathy for her. 

"I'm going to help you," I sighed, "Let's pray that this works."

Her eyes widened. I went to the table and dipped the tip of the knife in the potion. Walking up to her, I muttered a quiet incantation in a language she couldn't understand.

As I carved the runes into her skin, she cried out. The potion seeped into her blood, flowing through her veins. It went into her heart, her mind, and her soul. The potion went into all the places it needed to go. 

I used one bottle on her skin. By now, her clothes had been torn to shreds, and her body was covered in a mixture of blood and the ink-like potion. Her eyes were swollen from crying so much. 

"Please, stop," she begged. 

I sighed, "I'm so sorry, Wendy, but you'll thank me if this work."

The second bottle, I forced her to drink. With a bunch of persuasion, she downed the entire bottle. After hacking a bit, she hung her head. 

I grabbed the last bottle. Walking around her, I splashed it on her body and the floor around her. The entire time, I muttered a single incantation. 

"Memento, Domine, memento, quod erat tempus. Memento, meminit Fides, quae te prius."

As soon as I splashed the last amount of potion onto her skin, she cried out in pain. I backed into a corner, praying that the spell would work. 

For the next hour, the entire town could hear her screams. 

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