Chapter Fifteen: Maxwell

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After returning to my body, everything hurt. That's to be expected after my soul was forcefully ripped out of me. That's not something a body takes lightly. I would be in pain for the next couple of days, even with my healing potion.

That's why I was lying in bed when Peter burst in. The blankets were pulled up to my chin, and I made sure to keep the lights off. But, as soon as Peter came home, he flipped on every light in the house.

"Max, you'll never guess what I found out!" Peter exclaimed.

I groaned, "Turn off the lights, I just got back from the plane."

Peter instantly obeyed my request. He knew what it was like. After all, you didn't think Neverland was a real place, did you? How else did those kids never grow up...

"Odette must have the book," Peter began, "She made her body become hotter than hell, but she didn't burn. And, then, she vanished! Teleportation!"

Only powerful witches and wizards could do those things. I groaned, maybe this wouldn't be as easy as I thought. Maybe she didn't just steal the book.

"I know, I found the book in her house," I sat up, bearing through the pain, "I thought maybe she had taken it, but I think not, now."

Peter nodded, "She's powerful, maybe as powerful as you."

"Hopefully not. If she is, we're up for a challenge."

"We can beat her!" Peter jumped up, raising his fist into the air, "We're both powerful, we could team up and take her down."

"Who's to say she doesn't have someone like I have you. There seems to be a lot we don't know about her."

Peter nodded, "Like how Hook's obviously in love with her."

I groaned. The last time Hook fell in love with someone, Peter killed her. There's no end to Peter's hatred for Hook. I never fully understood why. Supposedly it had something to do with his parents, he wouldn't tell me. To be fair, I didn't pry. He had his secrets, I had mine.

"We need to get close to her," I sighed, "But, she knows both of our faces. Most likely she would figure out how to see through our disguises if we did the same thing as we did at the party."

Peter sat at the foot of my bed once more. We both thought for a few moments. I even went so far as to call the book to me, and begin flipping through it. There was no solution.

"We could always get help," Peter suggested.

"From who? this entire town hates us."

Peter nodded, "Yes, but some hate Hook more than they hate us. If we can get them to rally behind their hatred of Hook, maybe we can get them to work for us."

"Like who?"

"The others who are considered the scum of the town," Peter smiled, "People who are looked at just like we are. People like Gaston, Falcifer, Cruella, Gothel, and so many others."

I twirled my hair on my finger, "Yeah, that's not bad. People like them can help us take down Hook."

"But, we only need one to get close to Odette. Who?"

We both fell back into thought.

"We need someone who Odette wouldn't question," I thought aloud, "She would question all of the notable people."

"Plus, they hate us anyways."

"True," I admitted, "But, there's also the scum that most forget exist."


"Anastasia and Drizella, Lady Tremaine's kids. If we talk to them and their Mother, and explain what we're doing, maybe they'll help us."

Peter snapped his fingers, "And then Anastasia and Drizella could get close to Odette!"

"Yes! Brilliant!"

Peter jumped up, "We'll go tomorrow, if you feel better."

"I'll be fine."

"Brilliant! This plan is bound to work."

I nodded. Peter spun on his heel and left, whistling an old song as he walked. When the door was closed, I lowered myself back onto the bed. My intent was to sleep, but the book had other ideas.

"Don't kill her," it stated.

I frowned, "You always want me to kill people, what's different this time?"

"She's important information, an ingredient, per say. You need her alive, and on your side."

"How the hell do you expect me to convert Miss goody two shoes to my side?"

The book sputtered, "You will see, soon enough."

With that, it fell silent. I rolled back onto my side and bit my lip. The book was never wrong, I don't think it would start now.

How would I convince Odette to work with me? I would have to manipulate her, that's for sure. She was to opposite of me to go willingly. Maybe there was a potion, or a spell, for this kind of situation. There had to be, right?

Maybe Peter could help. He was hundreds of years older than me, and just as powerful. He might know something, he was helpful, sometimes.

I would wait and discuss it with him in the morning. Usually we came up with better ideas when we put our heads together.

I fell asleep to thoughts of monsters under my bed. 

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