Chapter Sixteen: Odette

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Of course when I got home and went to go reclaim my spell book, it was gone.

"Mirror?!" I shouted, looking under my bed for the book. "Goddamn it..." I hissed, sitting up and storming over to my mirror. It was smashed into dust. "What?" I looked at the dust and shook my head.

"What happened?" I asked, snapping my fingers at a broom and dust pan. The broom knew exactly what to do, as it began sweeping all glass onto the dust pan. I pulled the tight ponytail out of my hair and ran my hands through my hair. I walked around my bedroom a bit before sitting on my bed.

"What was it?" I stood back up and walked towards the bathroom. Even that mirror was shattered. "What is going on?" I asked myself before walking elsewhere for a mirror. Turns out, every mirror in my house has been shattered to nothing but shards. I stormed down to the cellar where a bunch of old furniture was covered by white sheets. I walked towards a piece of furniture that was flat. I pulled the sheet off it and let out a sigh of relief.

"A mirror." I smiled, looking at my reflection in said mirror. "Mirror, mirror," I spoke quietly. A face slowly appeared in the mirror. "What happened?"

"He came."

"Who came?"

"I cannot say, Ma'am." He shuddered. "he's everywhere." He whispered. I cocked an eyebrow.

"Mirror, a person broke into my home, smashed every bit of mirror I had, and stole my spell book. Now, this here mirror is the last mirror in my home, and, I need to look at myself in the morning when I wake up, so please don't make me break you. Who broke into my home?"

"James." He spoke in such a frightened voice that even I was scared.

"James? As in James Hook? He wouldn't hurt a soul." I remarked, crossing my arms over my chest and started right at the ground. "Why would he want a million year old spell book?" I looked up at the mirror.

"That Maxwell girl wants it. As does Hook. Both books contain a spell so powerful it could kill every living being on the earth. I've known Hook for as long as I can remember. He's the one who put me in here." He remarked sadly. I looked at him and shook my head.

"Hook? Evil? Sure." I scoffed.

"You do not believe me?"

"He's anything but evil. He was heartbroken when his children were kidnapped." I stated.

"They aren't his children."

"Really?" I asked, disbelief in my tone. "I don't believe you."

"Ask him about Neverland." The mirror stated before vanishing. I let out a deep sigh before running upstairs and to my bookshelf. I filed through them till I found the Magic History book that my father had given me when I was little.

"N for Neverland or H for Hook?" I asked myself filing through the book. I flipped open to N and looked for anything about Neverland. I sat down and read through it all. Nothing at all helped me. I went to Hook instead. He had pages upon pages of information. Some of it was good, most of it wasn't the best.

"James Hook, better known as Captain Hook, has been on the run since before the 1900s." I started reading it aloud and shook my head. I shook my head whence I continued on more.

"In late 1990, Hook murdered Johanna and Matthew Grimm. Johanna and Matthew Grimm had 5 children. As far as we know, only two survived Hook's clutches. The other 3 we know not where they are. The two living children are twins. Names: Unknown. The three children have been M.I.A. since the murder of the Grimms. Names: Michael, John, Wendy." I gasped and shook my head. "Johanna and Matthew were two of the most powerful wizards in the world. They learned all they knew from two spell books written by the Grimm Brothers. The spell books have been missing since the Grimm's death." I slammed the book shut, grabbed my carpet bag and stormed out of my home. I slid into my van and drove off towards James' house.

"Odette, what a lovely surprise!" He smiled as soon as I walked into the house.

"Can I talk to Wendy for a moment?" I asked, hiking my bag onto my shoulder. I looked up at him and plastered a fake smile onto my lips.

"She's doing homework in her bedroom. Go right ahead." He gestured towards Wendy's bedroom. I smiled and nodded before walking toward her bedroom.

Wendy was sitting at her desk, headphones on her head and her laptop open with a word document pulled open.

"Wendy?" I asked, walking into her room. She pulled her headphones off and turned to look at me. She smiled.

"Odette, it's nice to see you." She stood up and walked over to me. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to ask you a few questions. If that's okay?"

"We can go get tea if you want." She smiled before leading me to the kitchen then to the parlor. She sat in a vintage arm chair whilst I sat in a vintage couch, a tray was sitting on the coffee table and a pot of tea, along with some tea cups, sat in the coffee table.

"What did you want to talk about?" Wendy asked, going to pour herself some tea. Whence she finished pouring herself some, I snapped my fingers, making a tea cup and the pot of tea float in front of me. The tea cup had a small chip in it.

"What do you remember of your parents?" I asked, reaching for my tea. The pot floated back down to the coffee table.

"What do you mean?"

"Your mum? Do you remember her?"

"No, Ma'am. She died when I was little."

"That can't be true. You were 10 when Michael was born. And that was only 8 years ago."

"I don't remember her." She shook her head. I let out a deep sigh and placed the tea cup back onto the tray.

"Thank you, Wendy. I hope to see you around." I smiled before standing up and walking out of the house and towards my van.

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