Chapter Fourteen: Odette

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"I'm fine, really." I stated, wincing as I sat down in a couch in some office space. "How are your kids?" I asked, holding my ribcage and looking up at James.

"They're safe." He nodded. "Wendy is freaked out."

"But that's to be expected. She was in a deep slumber that no one could wake her from." I remarked, looking at the bruises that were on my knuckles. "I've only ever been in a slumber as deep as her once and the only thing that woke me was true loves kiss. You're lucky I was here to wake her." I stated, blinking at the ring that was on my hand.

"True love?" James asked, looking up at me. He was sitting at his desk, looking over papers and stuff.

"Yep. A slumber as deep as that? The only thing to wake you is a kiss from your one true love." I stated, looking up at him. "So, of course that means, if Wendy were to ever fall into a slumber like that, her one true love will have to wake her. I'm not going to be here much longer. Surely, you'll have to find a fairy or someone to cast a protection spell on you and your kids." James simply nodded. "How's John and Michael?"

"John has been John about this situation. He's trying to conjure up some sort of spell or whatever 17 year old boys do nowadays. And Michael can't sleep. He sleeps in my bed with me."

"Again, like I said. All of them were in a deep slumber. Wendy is probably the most traumatized cause she was under the longest." I winced as I pushed myself off the couch and walked to the front of his desk. "I gotta go." I placed my bruised hand on the top of his desk.

"Wait," HE looked at me with worry in his eyes. "Are you okay?"

"With a little light magic, I'll be safe. And, more importantly, I will be fine. No more internal bleeding." I shook my head and laughed. "Although, I do have a few broken ribs and I've gotten a bloody nose or two. But, I can't fix that with any type of magic. The reason why all that internal bleeding, broken ribs, and nose bleed happened is because I used way too much magic in a short amount of time. I will be fine." I nodded, looking at my hands. "If you need anything, you know where I live." I smiled before walking out of the office. Michael was sitting on the couch that was in the hall, a teddy bear was sitting next to him. "Hello Michael," I smiled at him.

"Hello Miss. Odette," He replied softly. I smiled before walking out of town hall and towards my car. The person I had hit with my van was walking towards me, he wore a sickly evil smile on his lips.

I kept my head low and walked just passed my van and passed the person, whose name escapes me. Just as we crossed paths, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a narrow ally way.

"Let go of me." I hissed at the pain in my left wrist. I snapped my left hand and zapped the guy's arm with lightning. He hissed back and shook his head.

"You have the book." He growled at me. I looked at him and shook my head.

"What are you talking about?" I shook my head. I whimpered as his grip tightened on my wrist. "I have no clue what you're talking about." I spat.

"The book! The light magic spell book! We know you have it!" He shouted at me. I looked at him.

"I have hundreds of spell books." I shook my head. "Millions... Maybe. You're going to need to be more-" I was cut off when he struck my face. I gasped for air. "If you want a spell book, I'll give you a spell book." I closed my eyes and felt my body heat up. His grip on my wrist went away and he stepped back. I opened my eyes and looked at him. Horror was written on his face.

"How do you... Only powerful..."

"Leave me alone. I do not know what book you're talking about." I stated rather firmly. I snapped my fingers and made myself go home. I went up to my room and dumped my bag out on to my bed. Everything in my bag came tumbling out and landed on my bed with a small thud or clink. My spell book landed right on top.

"Okay," I picked it up and felt a slight burn on my neck where my birthmark was. My free hand clamped my neck and cooled it down as I flipped through the book.

"It's almost as if it's trying to tell you something." The mirror stated. I looked up at him.

"Shut up. Or I'll turn you into a mirror ball." I spat at him.

"Oh no. Is someone having a bad day?" A face popped in the mirror.

"Will you just be quiet!? I didn't ask for this! I didn't want to be here! I just wanted to go home!" I shouted, standing up and looking at the mirror and throwing my book at the ground. It slid under my bed and was out of my sight. "Who are you!?" I looked at the mirror.

"I am simply a mirror." He bowed his head.

"No. No. You have to have a story. Everyone has a story."

"Oh, darling,"

"Can it." I shook my head and snapped my fingers at the mirror. He stayed silent.

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