Chapter 1 A Vampire In My School?!

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  I tapped my pencil repeatedly to calm my nerves because that stupid Marie Kinder keeps annoying me with her loud voice. She is the richest kid in the whole school, which means she is the biggest bitch in town.

Marie Kinder pretends that she is from France yet she couldn't speak French even if she tried, but she has EVERYONE fooled into thinking she is fluent in it.

But, enough about the snob, my name is Shiori Anderson; I have long blonde hair and light pink orbs. I am seventeen years old and I am a junior in high school.

"Class, we have a new student joining us!" Mrs. Hanna announced as soon as she and a boy came walking into class.

Everyone gasped out loud while I just rolled my eyes. They are all probably in awe because the boy is attractive looking. Pathetic! Why does society only care about people that are good looking? It's really tiresome...

Anyways, the boy is slender with reddish-colored hair that is spiky at the ends. He has green eyes that really glow... Kind of like a cat, if you want my opinion.

He has on our black school uniform but his white dress shirt is unbuttoned so he can show off his chest and he has a red tie around his neck that hangs down really low. His right, black pant leg is rolled up to his knee and he is also wearing red and black sneakers.

"Class, this is Ayato Sakamaki," Mrs. Hanna introduced him to the class.

"No, way, a Sakamaki brother is here!" A student cheered.

"That's crazy! I thought they were only allowed to be in night school," another praised.


"Mr. Sakamaki, you can sit anywhere you would like," Mrs. Hanna said gently.

Ayato lazily scanned the room with his eyes but he immediately looked at me. Why, though? Oh, no! He better not even think about sitting in the back with me! I'm away from the other students for a reason!

"Ayato, you can sit with me!" Marie shouted out to him.

Ayato ignored her as he is walking up to my desk...

"It's taken!" I snapped before he sat down.

He smirked at me and sat right next to me! What the hell, why?!


"Hey, there, what's your name?" He asked as he is leaning into me.

"Ew, go away." I gagged.

"That's not how to treat a new student," Ayato said mockingly.

"What do you want?! Leave me alone." I huffed.

All the students around were staring at us while Mrs. Hanna is teaching today's lesson. Can't everyone just mind their own business? I like it better when everyone thought I was invisible.

Ayato unexpectedly reached out and ran his thumb across my throat. Why would he do that? This feels strange.

"Stop." I glared at him.

"So, fragile," he smirked as he continued to rub my throat.

I violently pushed his hand away so he would stop touching me!

"Wow, she has guts to treat Ayato like that," a student commented.

"Yeah, he's going to destroy her if she keeps it up," another agreed.

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