Chapter 11 My Scheme Backfired!

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  I opened my eyes and sat up from my bed even though it was really hard since Ayato had his arms around me and he's hard to shrug off but I managed!

A week has gone by and Ayato and I served our detention without getting into any more trouble. I did warn Ayato that if he gets another detention, then he's on his own! He was getting on my nerves the whole week we served our punishment.

"Where are you going?" He asked in a grunt.

"I'm going to take a shower," I answered. I turned my back on him to go in the private bathroom, but Ayato grabbed my wrist from behind.

"Not until AFTER my snack," he whispered in my ear and bit down on my neck.

I held my breath. I hate it when he takes advantage of my body! I want to teach him a lesson or something! I'm sick of him treating me like this...

I began to plot a scheme while I heard him sucking my blood...

Ew, he's slurping! Gross!

"Hey, why aren't you tensing up or wincing?" Ayato snapped.

"Huh?" I blinked a couple of times. Did he say something?

"I SAID why aren't you tensing up?!"

"Oh, um... I don't know..." My voice trailed. He's drinking my blood so what is the big deal?

"Ugh, this isn't fun!" He pushed me away from him.

"Hey, why did you push me?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Are you bored with me?! Why aren't you crying out my name or making a fuss?!" His voice rose.

I pictured an imaginary light bulb, hovering over my head and the light inside shine bright.

Yes, I got a plan! Ha, ha. This is going to be fun!

"Why are you grinning like that? That's creepy," Ayato muttered.

I only shrugged in response. "Are you done, mosquito? I want to take my shower now."


He's taking offense to my comment! I'm trying so hard not to laugh at him right now! He's falling into my trap.

I didn't bother to argue with him anymore, instead, I went into the bathroom, locked the door and stripped off my PJs so I can take my nice, warm shower.

As I'm taking my shower, Ayato appeared in the shower, he is still in his red boxers.

"What do you want?" I asked lazily.

Ayato grunted before harshly sinking his fangs into my neck. I had to bite my lip because I'm not going to lie; it really hurts!

Ayato didn't get the reaction he wanted so he traveled kisses and bit down on my shoulder!

Again, I held my breath as he is drinking hungrily.

I can't let him win! I have to get back at him just this once!

I'm determined to be successful in my little scheme. I want Ayato to beg me to scream out for him or at least, appreciate my body instead of using it as food!

Well, he does call me his "food".

I deeply sighed as Ayato forcefully turned me around and bit down on my collarbone.

Come on, Shiori. Think about kittens or something. You can't show ANY reactions!

"Damn," Ayato said in a low voice. Is he giving up?

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