Chapter 5 My First Time With You

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"So, what is the beef between you and the annoying bitch?" Ayato asked me out of nowhere while I'm making us breakfast.

"Marie Kinder?"


"Well, we used to be best friends in elementary school but then she kept backstabbing me. Every boy I had a crush on, she would take away from me. Every time I wanted something, she would buy it and rub it in my face. She would do that with friends too. Every time I made a new friend, she made sure to steal them away from me. I finally got fed up and quit being her friend and for some odd reason, she got pissed off about it," I explained.

"Sounds lame," Ayato muttered.

"Yeah, it is." I agreed.

I set the table and put out pancakes, bacon, some blueberries, and strawberries for us. We both began to eat and I had to keep scowling Ayato for eating like a slob.

"Damn, you are better than the maids in my mansion!" Ayato praised.

"You have maids?" I questioned shockingly.

"Well, yeah... My brothers and I aren't going to clean up after ourselves!" Ayato snorted.

"Okay, Marie Kinder," I said sarcastically.

"Hey, don't compare me to her!" He snapped.

I started to chuckle on how offended he is getting about me comparing him to the rich bitch...

"So, what do you want to do today?" I asked him.

It's Saturday and I don't really have any plans.

"I have to go see my brothers later today..." His voice trailed.

"Oh, can I come?!" I pleaded.

"No!" He raised his voice causing me to jump out of my seat a little bit.

"Why not? I met the eldest one."

"Because they will try to sink their fangs into you and you're mine!" He snapped.

"Okay, calm down... Geez, sorry I asked."

Ayato grunted and finished eating his breakfast...

"How many brothers do you have?" I finally questioned.

"I have two full brothers and three half," he answered.

"I see and you told me Shu is your half brother, right?"


We both were done with our breakfast and decided to chill in my room before Ayato leaves me to see his brothers. I kind of wish I could come just to see his mansion.

"Come here," he whispered as he pushed me on the bed.

"What gives?!" I freaked.

Ayato crawled on top of me and smirked. "You said I can take something from you and I want it now..."

What is he talking about?

I immediately gasped out loud. He's talking about my virginity! There's no way I'm giving that to him! I was drunk, I wasn't thinking!

"No way!" I tried to get him off of me yet it wasn't working...

"You said I could last night..." His voice trailed.

"I was drunk!"

"Oh, well, you can't change your mind now!" He chuckled and forcefully took my t-shirt off. He then struggled to get my jean shorts off of me.

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