Chapter 7 Finally Meeting All Of His Brothers

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  "Come on, Ayato, please?!" I pleaded.

"No, and that's final!" Ayato snapped.

Ayato and I are in my room and he has to see his brothers but I want to go with him this time! He keeps going over the mansion without me! I want to finally meet his brothers and see his home.

"Fine, then I guess I will hang out with Zander while you're gone," I smirked mischievously. I knew Ayato hated when I mention about Zander. I still don't understand why he's threaten by him... I told Ayato a million times that he's gay.

Ayato clenched his teeth. "Okay, you can come but stay by me and do not speak to any of my brothers!"

"Why? Wouldn't that be rude?" I asked innocently.

"Do not disobey me, Shiori!" Ayato warned.

"Whatever, can we go now?" I grinned.

"Yeah, come on," he muttered.

Ayato and I left my house and I grew excited that I'm going to meet all of his brothers! I bet they are all cool and fun!

"So, what do you do when you visit them?" I asked out of nowhere. Ayato leaves me every day for a couple of hours to see his brothers...

"Nothing serious. The second eldest wants to make sure I stay in line. He doesn't like me being around a mortal twenty-four seven."


"Because we are all supposed to just stay in the house and chill," Ayato answered.

"I see... What's the second eldest name?"


"Reiji," I repeated.

Ayato and I continue to walk and it didn't take us long to get to his house. I gasped in amazement as I stared at the beautiful, medieval mansion from behind the gated fence.

To tell you the truth, it looks more like a huge church than a medieval mansion, but whatever!

"Come on," Ayato sighed while he opened the gate to get in.

I followed behind him and we went inside the mansion. Again, I gasped in amazement when I saw the large stairwell!

The art of it is beautiful! The whole stairwell looks modern and it's all made out of white marble. There's a huge chandelier hanging above us and there's also a red velvet carpet going down the stairs.

"Cool!" I shouted.

"Oh, you decided to bring your little girlfriend here?" A young man appeared before us with shoulder length reddish, brown hair and green eyes. He is wearing a black fedora hat with black pants, a white dress shirt, and a gray vest over it. He also has two scarves, one white, and one black.

"Go away." Ayato narrowed his eyes at him.

"That's no way to introduce her to me." The young man laughed out loud. Every word he speaks sounds smooth... It's like he's trying so hard to be seductive or something...

"Shiori, this is Laito, the fifth son of the Sakamaki household and my youngest biological brother," Ayato explained in a lazy tone.

"Shiori, that sounds like a beautiful name..." Laito slowly approached me but Ayato forced me to stand behind him.

"She's mine, got it?" Ayato threatened.

"Possessive as always, Ayato," Laito hummed.

"Shut up!" Ayato raised his voice.

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