Chapter 13 Ayato, Help!

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  Ayato and I went to the Sakamaki household because Reiji wanted to check up on Ayato or whatever. Ayato made me stay by his side the whole time so none of his brothers bother me, which I am relieved because I'm kind of still scared of them.

We are now in Ayato's room, alone and enjoying each other's company.

"Um, Ayato?" I called out his name as I rested my head on his lap.

"What is it, Pancake?"

I scowled at him before asking my question. "Can you PLEASE tell me about the guy with the green hair! He must be important if you told Reiji about him!"

"Fine, the guy is named Richter and he is my uncle on my father's side," Ayato muttered.

"So, he's a vampire? Why did he come in my room?" I gasped.

"I don't know. I guess he's been lurking around the mansion too and none of my brothers know what he's up to either," Ayato sighed.

"I see..." My voice trailed.

Something is strange that his uncle would be in my bedroom. What is Richter up to? I wonder...

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

It is dinnertime and I sat next to Ayato and Laito sat on the other side of me. Kanato and Subaru are across from us and Reiji is at the head of the table while Shu is at the other end of the table.

We are all eating in silence until Laito whispered in my ear.

"You should come to my room after dinner, little bitch," Laito said seductively.

"Leave her alone, Laito." Ayato gave his brother a dirty look.

This is awkward... I'm in the middle of them arguing.

"Still won't share, huh?" Laito hummed.

"No, and I'll never share her, she's mine!" Ayato snapped, slamming his fist down on the table.

"Ayato, that is no way to behave at the dinner table," Reiji lectured coldly.

"Whatever," Ayato muttered.

I felt my cheeks flustering as I tried to enjoy my meal. The food is really good but the tension at the dinner table is strange.

Maybe Ayato and I should've stayed at my house...

I scanned my surroundings and Subaru is eating quietly while Kanato is talking to his teddy bear. I can hear Shu's classical music playing faintly from his ear buds and Reiji is focusing on his table manners...

"What's wrong?" Ayato whispered in my ear.

"Nothing... It's really quiet," I answered.

"It's always like this," Ayato said bluntly.

"Oh," I frowned.

"It's better when it's just us two," Ayato confessed, as his cheeks grew red.

I laughed at his shyness because Ayato rarely EVER gets like this...

"Hmph!" Reiji glared at me causing me to gulp.

Shit, I pissed off the butler!

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

After dinner, Reiji asked to see Ayato while his brothers were getting ready for night school...

I had to go back to Ayato's room while they talked privately but I know they are talking about Richter...

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