Chapter 14 Will I Ever See You Again?

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  A couple of days have gone by and Ayato is acting distant. He has been going to the Sakamaki mansion without me. I would ask him to come with him, but he told me that he has to go alone which I don't understand why.

He wouldn't talk that much in school, either. Yeah, he would sit with me, and stuff but he seems lost in thought all of the time...

I'm in my room, relaxing and Ayato appeared before me. I felt my heart beating fast because he's finally going to spend some time with me!

"Ayato!" I grinned.

"We have to talk..." He muttered.

My high hopes are crushed after hearing those four letter words...

"What's up?" I whispered.

"My brothers and I are going to be gone for awhile. We need to find Richter and kill him... He's a big threat to my family," Ayato explained.

"Where are you going?!" I freaked.

"I don't know... Reiji has everything planned out; I'm just going along to stop Richter... We don't know when we'll be coming back to Japan."

"So, you're leaving the country?"

I can't believe this! Ayato is leaving Japan to kill his uncle... Will I ever see him again? Is this our final goodbye?!

"Yes," he answered.

I threw myself on him and began to sob. He's leaving me behind... I shouldn't be so selfish because he and his brothers have to do what they have to do but I don't want him to leave me!

"It's okay... I'll see you again soon. I promise," he soothed as he hugged me back just as tight.

"You promise?! You aren't just saying that, right?!" I pleaded as I felt my tears streaming down my face. I looked up at him, studying him.

"Yes, I promise. Just wait for me, okay? Everything will be fine," he smirked.

"Be careful..."

"Please, I'm a lot stronger than Richter!"

"Yeah, that's why he stabbed you a couple of times and tied you up," I mumbled.

"What did you say?!" He grunted.

"Nothing!" I laughed innocently.

We began to laugh together and he leaned in to kiss me sweetly. I'm going to miss his touch and kisses... He better come back soon! I'll wait for him just like he told me to do!

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