Chapter 15 His Truly

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  Three months have passed since Ayato left me to kill his uncle. I miss him a lot. I haven't felt so lonely in my entire life! I miss how he would tease me during classes and I miss how he would force himself on me. I miss him cuddling and kissing me. I also miss how he drank my blood...


It's after school and I'm walking home. Every day has been dragging for me. I wake up and there's nothing to look forward to. Geez, do I really need Ayato in my life to fulfill my existence?

I know I love Ayato and I need him but him being away from me is harder than I thought. Yeah, I knew I would miss him but not THIS much!

"Hey, pancake!"

Great, now I am hearing his voice inside my head. Have I gone mad?


"Ayato?" I turned around to see a smirking Ayato. I didn't hesitate to throw myself on him. "AYATO!"

"Geez, you missed me. Well, I knew you would!" He snorted.

I began to sob into his chest. It has been a whole three months since I have last seen him and he came back! He's with me again!

"Calm down, Shiori, I wasn't gone for that long and besides, I told you that I would be back," he muttered.

I clung on to him tighter just in case he tries to leave me again...

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

Ayato and I decided to go to the park. I want to know everything about his uncle! He didn't hesitate to give me graphic details on the situation. I guess Reiji knew where Richter would be hiding and all six brothers went to America but even though Reiji knew where he would be, they still had a hard time finding him at the right time.

I guess Richter was hiding in a large home and for some reason, Reiji knew all about the place.

They didn't slay Richter until a couple of weeks ago according to Ayato and I guess Subaru and Ayato did all of the fighting. Ayato stabbed him multiple of times with a sword and he even chopped Richter's head off while Subaru distracted him.

"Oh, and his blood was everywhere!" Ayato chuckled out loud.

I felt my head spinning from his description. "Okay, that's enough. I get it. You killed him."

Ayato laughed harder because he can tell I'm getting sick from hearing his story. I scowled at him yet I began to laugh with him. Man, I missed his laugh...

"So, anything new?" He finally asked.



"Yeah, you didn't miss much. Things have been boring," I sighed.

"I see... I guess I made everything fun," he said teasingly.

"Actually, yeah, you did," I confessed.

Ayato looked at me with widening eyes while I felt my cheeks burning from blushing...

I then just thought of something... I know I still have a whole year to worry about this, but what am I going to do when I go to college? Am I not going to see Ayato again?

Oh, no! That's awful! These months I have been feeling empty but I'm REALLY going to feel empty once I go to college...

"What's wrong?" Ayato asked in a low voice.

"I'm thinking about college," I answered.

"What about it? We still have another year."

"Well, I'm worried that we are going to go our separate ways," I admitted as I'm gazing at the ground.

"Who said we are going to go our separate ways?!" Ayato asked.

Why is he getting so offended?!

"I mean... I don't know. I just thought..."

Ayato interrupted me. "I'm not going anywhere! You are stuck with me, pancake!"

"Really?!" I beamed.

"Yeah, I don't care if you're sick of me. You're mine!"

I leaned in and pressed my lips against his. He immediately returned my kiss and it started to get heated until...

"GET A ROOM!" A kid shouted.

I blushed at the kid's comment while Ayato shrugged it off...

We should head home anyways at least we would have privacy there...

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

"Hey, Ayato?" I called out his name as we are walking back to my house.

"What is it?"

"I think you should meet my parents. I mean you are here all of the time so it would only be fair..."

Ayato took a deep breath. "Well, since you're mine and all I guess I can meet them."

"Great!" I grinned.

We arrived at my home and as soon as I step foot into the dining room, my parents all stared at Ayato like he's some kind of alien or something.

"Mother, father, this is my boyfriend, Ayato!" I cheered.

"Wow, you have a boyfriend? That's nice dear! It's a pleasure to meet you, Ayato. Will you be staying for dinner?" My mother asked kindly.

"Sure," Ayato answered in a low voice.

Is he nervous?

"How did you two meet?" My father raised a brow in suspicion.

"In school," I casually said.

"Alright. Well, it's nice to meet you." My father nodded.

I took Ayato's hand in mine and dragged him upstairs to my room. I'm so happy he met my parents!

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

Dinner wasn't awkward at all because Ayato warmed up to my parents. They seem to really like him and I'm really happy everyone is getting along!

After dinner, though, my parents ordered Ayato to leave after nine at night but of course, he is just going to appear back in my room without them knowing...

"I'm going to take a shower," I yawned as Ayato and I are lying on my bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Nope." Ayato casually crawled on top of me and pinned my wrists down on the mattress.

"Why not?!"

"Because I need a taste first then we'll take a shower together..."

Ayato bit down on my neck harshly while I yelped but I immediately relaxed as he is sucking my blood...

I am truly his... I will never leave his side.

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