Chapter 8 Ayato's Mother

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  I groaned as I stood up from sitting on one of Ayato's couches. My back is killing me because we slept in his "bed" last night. That stupid torture device was so tiny that Ayato and I were too close for comfort. I don't know how he sleeps in that thing!

Anyways, Ayato went to see Reiji about something and I'm stuck in his room. I was tempted to explore the mansion but after what happened yesterday with Laito, I decided to just stay here and listen to Ayato for once.

I got a text from Ayato, out of nowhere to meet him in some room. I hope I don't get lost but he did give me directions. I opened his bedroom door and looked both ways down the hall to make sure no vampires are around (even though they can just appear out of nowhere, so I don't know why I even bothered).

I then sprinted to where I'm supposed to be. I opened the door to the place but I regret it because it's dark. I can't really see anything but these wax figurines of women around. They are all wearing beautiful wedding gowns...

Huh, I wonder who made these? They are really good but they kind of freak me out. They all look so sad and frightened.

I examined a woman and her eyes are widening... Poor, woman, she's so beautiful but she looks so scared.

"HUH?!" I freaked when she leaned into me. They can move?! Wait, is she alive.

"I have come for your soul," The woman whispered but what's strange is that she sounds like a man...

"Stay away!" I cried out.

I went to run out of the room but someone grabbing my waist from behind.

"NO! DON'T!" I screamed.

"Ha... Got you," Ayato whispered in my ear.

"AYATO?!" I turned around and pushed him away. "How could you?! I was scared!"

"That's kind of the point, Shiori." He snorted.

"I hate you!" I snapped while I nudged him.

"What's your deal?" He asked annoyingly.

"I just hate how you're so insensitive. Like, that was uncalled for!" I groaned.

"Come here," he said seductively as he wrapped his arms around me.

"No, I'm mad at you!"

"Don't be like this..." He kissed my lips firmly but I pulled away.

"I'm not making out with you with all these figurines here!" I glared at him.

"Fine, let's go to my room then..." Ayato's voice trailed.

"Can I join?" A voice asked out nowhere.

"W-who's there?" I stuttered.

"No, Laito leave us alone!" Ayato yelled.

Laito appeared in front of me and he went to grab me, but as usual, Ayato pushed me behind him to protect me from his brother.

"You usually let me have some of your property by now," Laito hummed.

"She's different from my others! I don't want any of you to touch her. She's mine!" Ayato argued.

"Hm... A vampire who has fallen in love with a mortal? Interesting..." Laito chuckled.

"Ugh... What?" I asked confusingly.

"Just go away!" Ayato raised his voice.

Before we knew it, Laito left Ayato and me alone, but Laito's words ran through my head repeatedly.

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