Chapter 6 Quit Being Possessive!

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  I felt relieved once I came back home to see Ayato in my room. He is lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I didn't hesitate to crawl into bed and curl up next to him.

"I told you not to go anywhere," he muttered.

"Ayato, I couldn't spend the rest of the day in my room. I was with Cara and Lena anyways. We didn't really do anything," I sighed.

Ayato snorted while I nuzzled into him. I am really close to him yet it feels as if it isn't enough...

"How was hanging with your brothers?" I finally asked.

"It was whatever. Nothing too exciting," he answered as he yawned.

"I see..."

I wonder if I'll ever meet his other brothers. I want to know about them for some reason... Are they like Ayato or are they all different? Do they harass women like Ayato harasses me? He said that if I came with him to see his brothers that they would try to bite me so I bet they are all a lot like Ayato.

Before I knew it, I closed my eyes and went into a peaceful slumber which is something new since Ayato usually keeps me up to bite me.

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

A couple of days went past and I'm in school. I thought it was going to be an ordinary day until I saw my best friend that has been sick for over two months!

"ZANDER!" I screeched and ran up to him to give him a big hug.

"Hey, girl, hey!" He embraced me as we began to laugh.

I know I said that Cara and Lena are the only friends I have in this school, but I forgot to mention about Zander!

He's my gay best friend and we have been friends for years! He missed two months of school because of the flu. It was so bad that he couldn't go to school or anywhere for that matter. He had to stay at home and no one could even visit because it was contagious.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"A lot better. I'm so happy to be back here, surprisingly... It was bored being in my room and not talking to anyone," he answered.

We laughed again with each other until...

"Who the hell is that?! I told you to stay by my side at all times!" Ayato came up to us and glared at Zander.

"Hey, I want to introduce..."

Ayato interrupted. "We have to get to class."

I went to protest but he forcefully grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from Zander. Since when does Ayato care about class?

I looked back at Zander and he is scratching his blonde hair in confusion.

I'm just as confused as you.

Ayato and I sat next to each other in class, but Ayato seemed to be in a bad mood about something...

"Hey, what's your deal?" I whispered to him so I don't interrupt class.

"I told you that you are mine and no one else's," he muttered.

I began to chuckle and I tried to laugh softly but it ended up being really loud.

"Are you mocking me?" Ayato scowled at me.

"No, you have it all wrong."

"I don't want to hear it." He rested his head on his desk and stared straightforward.

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