Chapter 9 He Betrayed Me!

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  I couldn't sleep at all last night. A lot is on my mind about Ayato and his mother... I feel bad how we ended on a bad note. I can't help how I feel in the situation, though. I know his mother was no good but was him killing her the only way? Couldn't he have handled the situation differently?

"Hey, Shiori!" I heard Zander call out to me from behind.

We are in the school hallways and I tried to skip and stay home but my parents made me go.

This hellhole is the LAST place I want to be at right now...

"What's up, Zander?" I asked.

"Nothing... Where's your possessive boyfriend?" Zander smirked.

"Do not want to talk about it," I muttered.

"Did you guys get in a fight?" Zander frowned.

"Yeah, something like that," I sighed.

Zander went to tell me something else but his eyes widen in shock. I turned around to see what he's freaking out about and I felt my heart sinking... Why is Ayato with Marie Kinder?

They were walking side by side and they both were smirking at me! I tried my best to show no reaction as they walked past us but I am hurting inside...

"What the hell was that about?" Zander gasped.

"I guess I got replaced. I thought he wasn't into her at all, but I'm wrong..." My voice trailed.

"Do you think he's trying to make you jealous?" Zander raised a brow.

I watched them as they went into the classroom together. Maybe, he replaced me because I judged him about killing his mother. He can't blame me, though.

I should've stopped him before he left my room yesterday...

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

I'm in class and I watched Ayato and Marie interact. Marie would obnoxiously laugh out loud while Ayato just sat there. He would occasionally look back at me but I hurried up and avoided eye contact. I don't want him to think he is getting to me...

Why are we playing these games?

Is Zander right and he's trying to make me jealous to punish me? It does sound like Ayato... But, what if he replaced me with her... He doesn't like her at all, though! Plus, he knows I can't stand her so maybe he's being vindictive...

Don't get your hopes up, Shiori...

"Shiori, SHIORI!" Mrs. Hanna called out my name.

"Huh? What?" I freaked. Great, I wasn't paying attention...

"Quit looking at your boyfriend and pay attention to today's lesson!" Mrs. Hanna ordered.

Everyone including Ayato and Marie Kinder all laughed out loud while I sunk down in my seat. Well, I made it obvious that Ayato is getting to me...

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

It's lunchtime and I wish today is over! Zander, Cara, and Lena kept looking over at the table where Marie, Ayato, Megan, and Sasha were all sitting at. Ayato would keep looking back at us with a huge smirk on his face.

"He's defiantly trying to get back at you, Shiori!" Cara said with determination.

I ignored her comment. "Guys just quit looking. We already made it obvious that he's rubbing me the wrong way!" I groaned.

"He's the one who is making it obvious," Lena countered.

"Seriously, he keeps looking at you, Shiori," Zander added.

I sighed in frustration as I'm eating my chicken poppers. I don't know why I packed these for lunch because every time I eat them or even think about them, Ayato is on my mind...

Why does he have to be such a jerk?

*~*~*~*~*~*Yours Truly*~*~*~*~*

It's finally after school and I can't wait to get home. Every class was awful because Ayato sat with Marie Kinder in every class and he kept getting more and more under my skin...

I went to leave school property until...

"Hello, little bitch," Laito said seductively from behind.

"Huh?" I turned around and my eyes widen in shock. What is he doing here?

"Um, hi," I greeted back nervously as I'm backing away from him but he's slowly approaching me until my back is against the school building.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Home, so..." My voice trailed.

Laito chuckled before leaning in to claim my lips with his own. I tried to pull away from him but he used his body weight to trap me so I wouldn't escape.

This day is getting worse and worse.

"Hey, let go of what belongs to yours truly!" Ayato shouted as he is running towards us.

Before I knew it, Ayato punched Laito away from me. Laito touched his bruised cheek and smirked.

"You're still into her? Geez, you do love her a lot, don't you," Laito said mockingly.

Ayato clenched his teeth and punched Laito again but Laito blocked his punch by grabbing Ayato's fist in his grasp.

"Ayato," I whispered his name.

Ayato looked back at me with sorrow in his eyes... I feel so bad even though he ticked me off today...

"Ayato? What are you doing?" Marie Kinder shouted out.

"Go away," Ayato commanded coldly before kicking Laito in his gut.

Laito went on his knees and held his stomach while Ayato is hovering over him to attack again.

"Ayato, stop..." I wrapped my arms around his waist to secure him. I don't want him to fight his own brother.

"No, he kissed you," Ayato muttered.

"I know but you're going to get in trouble," I warned.

"I don't care!" Ayato raised his voice.

Ayato went to kick Laito again until Mrs. Hanna called out his name at the top of her lungs.

"Ayato, what is the meaning of this? You will serve a week in detention! Now leave school property now!" Mrs. Hanna screamed.

Laito disappeared before us as Ayato and I hung our heads low but I felt calm once we both walked side by side to go back to my house.

"Ayato, Ayato!" Marie Kinder called out his name.

"I told you to leave me alone. I'm not into you! I used you to make Shiori jealous!" Ayato confessed.

Marie Kinder's eyes widened as the students around gasped out loud.

I guess my friends were right...

Ayato grabbed my wrist firmly before dragging me away from everyone else. I looked up at him as he is staring straight ahead...

Ayato, you are sure a handful...  

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