Chapter 2 I Got Detention Because Of The French Girl!

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AUTHOR NOTE: The picture above is the OC! She looks a lot like Yui, huh?! Anyways, enjoy this chapter!

I looked at myself in my full, length mirror and repeatedly touched my bruised neck. My whole neck is sore from all the different places that Ayato has bitten me. Why would he want to just bite me and not anyone else? I don't understand...

"What's wrong? Are you hurting?"

I gasped when I recognized his voice! "What are you doing in my room, Ayato?"

Did he follow me? Why, though? He's such a freak!

After I almost got drowned and Ayato saved me, I ran home because I'm upset about my neck getting bitten repeatedly and I'm pissed that I almost died because of Marie Kinder!

"I followed you here. I have to keep an eye on my property," he answered lazily. He is sitting on the edge of my windowsill...

"Leave, now, you leech!" I snapped. How dare he calls me his "property", who does he think he is?!

"Geez, for a girl who looks so innocent, you sure have a mouth on you," Ayato smirked.

I ignored him as I went to my bed to lie down. I felt Ayato's eyes glued to me but I didn't pay him any attention. No matter what I do or what I say, he's going to stay so what's the point in wasting my breath? I do want him to leave me alone, though.

In a blink of an eye, Ayato appeared before me and he is LYING NEXT TO ME?!

"How did you do that?!" I gasped.

"Do what?"

"Teleport! You were just sitting on the windowsill and then you appeared on my bed!"

"Oh, it's one of my vampire powers, no big deal," he yawned.

Ayato wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his embrace.

"Get off!" I gritted my teeth.


I tried to get out of his embrace but he's too strong! Geez, he's only using one arm too!

"Honey?" My mother called out my name from outside my bedroom door.

Ayato disappeared like the wind and for once I am happy that my mother is bothering me.

"Come in," I called out.

She opened the door and looked so confused for some reason. "Shiori, who were you talking to?"

I felt my cheeks turning red. "Um, I was on the phone with Lena," I lied.

"Oh, okay. Well, dinner is almost ready!" She said before leaving me.

"Awe, your mother is worried about you," Ayato mocked as he appeared, lying on my bed.

"Go away!" I whined.

Ayato wrapped his arms around me and I'm the little spoon while he is the big one. He's hugging me too tight...

"What do you want with me?" I finally asked him. I don't understand why he picked me out of all the students in school.

Ayato sighed. "Don't flatter yourself, Pancake. You have the rarest blood type which is AB and it's my favorite."

"So you're using me for my blood," I muttered. I felt anger well up inside me!

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