Chapter 4 Party At The Rich Girl's House

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AUTHOR NOTE: Quick note... Can we stop for a second and stare at this awesome cosplayer? I usually am not into these kinds of things but damn! Okay, carry on!

  "No, no, no!" I cried out while Ayato has me pushed against my locker, he is leaning in to bite my neck!

"That's it, scream for me! I want everyone to know you're mine." Ayato chuckled before he sunk his fangs into my neck.

"OW!" I screamed causing everyone around us to stop walking and watch...

Ayato pulled away from me and licked his lips. "I'll never get tired of your blood."

"I wish you would," I muttered.

I turned my back on Ayato and began to walk to class. I'm sick of him pushing me around and sinking his fangs into me! Like, can't he get a replacement or something?

"Hey, Shiori, don't leave unless I tell you to," he warned.

I rolled my eyes and continue to walk. Ayato grunted and grabbed my wrist really hard from behind.

"Ow!" I freaked.

"What did I just say? I don't want my toy to be wandering around!" He snapped.

"Now you are going to call me your "toy"?! What the hell!" I glared at him.

"Well, I'm just stating a fact, relax, Shiori..."

I pushed him away and went to my next class and of course, he has to sit right next to me. Ayato kept staring with his green orbs shining but I continue to ignore him. He's getting on my nerves with all the names he has been calling me. I'm not a human to him; I'm more of an object and nothing more.

"Ayato!" Marie Kinder called out his name as she approached him. She flipped her long, black hair when she and I locked eyes.

"What is it?" He mumbled.

"I wanted to invite you to my party tonight. It's going to be big! Everyone in the school is going to be there," Marie explained.

"Not interested," he casually said causing me to laugh out loud.

Ayato is a pain in the ass but I praise him for keep turning Marie Kinder down! Honestly, I would take him being around me all day as long as I see him brush Marie Kinder off.

Marie Kinder huffed in frustration as she fixed her red French bureau hat that she always wears. "Why not?"

"Because I don't want to go to your dumb party. I have better things to do," Ayato sighed.

"Well, what if I invite your food?" Marie asked in a low voice.

Wait, Marie Kinder is offering to invite me so Ayato would come to her dumb party? Geez, what is with her? Is she that desperate? Marie NEVER invites me to any of her parties...

Ayato ponders the thought and I kept shaking my head "no". I don't want to go to some lame party that this bitch is throwing.

"Will there be any alcohol?" Ayato finally asked.

Great, a vampire that likes to drink, fantastic.

"Of course, silly!" Marie Kinder laughed out loud.

"Okay, we'll be there," Ayato said, leaning back in his desk chair.

"WHAT?!" I gasped out loud. There's no way I'm going! How dare he make decisions for me!

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