Chapter 1

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"Nikki"! my mum yelled in frustration.

I was currently late for my first day of school in Cheshire, Homes chapel. Me and my family just moved here from Australia and today was my first day....and I'm late.

"Coming" I yelled running down the stares almost tripping.

"bloody hell" I said hoping my mum didn't hear me. I was twice as nervous since I was late and you know how it is when you walk in late to class and everyone stares.

"You look beautiful Nikki"my mum said.

"don't worry about being nervous,now lets go".





As I walked in the school office a lady in her late thirties walked up to me.

"Hello I'm Mrs.Hacker the school principle". she said.

"You must be Nichole Palvin" She stated as she held out her hand.

"I prefer Nikki " I said nicely.

"Ok Nikki I'll have a student that will show you around, here's your schedule- " just as she was in conversation a brunette,really pretty I was also guessing she was a student walked up.

"This is Alexis she'll show you around and take you to 3rd period,so have fun".

Mrs.hacker said with a bright smile and walked away.

"Hello I'm Lexi don't listen to that witch she's nice one minute angry another". Lexi said with her british accent.

"I'm Nikki" I said.

"Ok what class do you have" she said as we started walking down the hall.

"Math- Mr.carter" I stated as I stared at the paper with my classes on it.

"Oh good same class as me- this way"


We walked in the class and everyone was staring. I could feel the boys stare at my bum as I turned to talk to the teacher.

"Hiya Ms.Palvin I'm Mr.Carter have a seat anywhere you like" he said slowly as if I was stupid as fuck.

"Thanks" I said more like a whisper.

As I went to sit down I got multiple stares one in particle that caught my attention. Bright green eyes stare into my blue one- my thoughts were interrupted by Lexi.

"Over here Nikki" Lexi said she obviously wanted me to sit by her.

As I sat down I still couldn't get those green eyes out of my head.

"That's harry" Lexi said.

Confused I said


"The boy you were staring at that's harry" she continued

" He has a bad reputation so I wouldn't catch his attention to much"

"What do you mean bad reputation" I said kinda blushing cause she saw me stare.

"He's a gang leader..." she paused then continued.

"He's really aggressive too he fights anyone that's in his way,he's the most feared in this town, he killed this guy once because he stole some drugs from one of his buddy's his whole group comes to school here"
she said nervously cause harry was staring over here .

I was a little confused cause why would anyone fear a high schooler. He doesn't look scary too me but I'll take lexi's word on it.

"Why didn't anyone call the police when he....killed the guy" I said alittle to loud,everyone stared.

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