Chapter 9

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It's been 5 months since she started being homeschooled

{She's 8 months pregnant.}

I'm wake up in the morning with so long much pain.I get up walk downstairs and get a little snack.Maybe a bath will help I think.

I go start the bath and get my laptop for a distraction from the pain and look up what it could be and why I'm in pain but came to find nothing so I just close the laptop. I was having a little bit of pain yesterday but I didn't think it was anything but it wasn't as bad. I can't be in labor now because I'm only 8 months pregnant and my baby would be a premie. I have a check up In 30 minutes so I'll just wake harry up and get there early.

i get out the bath put my maternity clothes on.

"Harry get the fuck up I might be in labor" I yell and then I feel pain again so I scream.

"Are you ok let's go" he says

"Your not even dressed"

"I have sweats on it's ok lets go"

While in the car I start to think I haven't talked to Lexi since last week, but then I think again and call my mom.

"Mom" I say

"What's wrong"

"I'm haven't lots of pain and I think I might be in labor"

"Are you sure"

"No that's why I'm getting to my doctors appointment early can you come?"

"Yea I'll meet you there"

Then she hangs up.I look over to harry and he grabs my hand. He looks scared.As we pull up I see my moms car.We go to the front desk and start to tell her what's happening.

"I've been having these pains and I have a check up in about 10 mins and I just want to make sure I'm not in labor" I say feeling another pain so I grab the counter and put my head down.

"Are you having another pain" the lady asks.

"Ughhh yea" I say

"Ok I'll get you a wheelchair and take you to a room is that ok?"

"Yea that's fine" harry answers for me.


I'm settled in a room on the bed waiting for my doctor to come check on me.

There's a knock on the door and I already know it's the doctor and he's bring me one of those ugly gown.

"Can you put that on for me" he asks

"Hell no am I wearing that I brought my own" I say and tell harry to grab it.

I change and sit back down on the bed.

"Ok I'm going to check and see if your dilated" he says laughing alittle.

I put my legs on the foot holding thing cause I don't know what there called and he lifts my gown. He puts his finger in my vigina and let me say it's really uncomfortable.

"Ok you are dilated 1 cm so I'm going to check if the baby is in position" he ask and get the ultrasound machine.

He lifts my gown to my boobs and then covers my lower part with the sheet.

He puts the gel on it and starts moving the wand around.

"Ok so he's in position but I'm going to recommend you go home or out in town and walk around for alittle to start labor more and when your contractions are 5 mins apart you come here" he says

"Ok can I go baby shopping cause I don't have everything yet" I say

"Yea just be careful cause your water hasn't broken yet"

"Ok thank you doctor cross" I say getting up to go change back in to my clothes.



Me and harry are at the baby store getting a car seat,stroller,baby clothes,and a breast pump.

"Harry what are we naming the baby" I say looking for more clothes mostly premie baby clothes.

"Luke,Edward,Aason that all I can think of I like Luke or Aason" he says.

"What about Aason Luke styles" I say

"Yea that's good are we done can we pay now"


We pay then we are out the door on our way home.

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