Chapter 5

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~3 months later ~

I was currently in Harry's bed just thinking about how much my life has changed.

After my mom came back from America.....

~ Flashback ~

"I'm home" my mom said trying to carry my little brother and there suitcases.

"Hiya" I murmured quietly.

"What's wrong"

"I Have to tell you something life changing" I said calmly

"Ok what is it speak up I have things to do Nikki and your taking your time"

"I'm pregnant"

Their was a silence and staring contest for a couple minutes.

"How did this happen?" she said sounding upset

"Well I met harry, my boyfriend of 3 months and we had drunk unprotected sex" I explained.

"I'm sorry mum, but it's early in our relationship and we love each other I'm disappointed to because I did this to myself" I continued.

"Are you keeping it" she asked

"Yes" I said firmly

"I'm sorry Nichole but I can't keep you in this house with a child, I'll support you just not in my house,you can come over all the time and visit and let me see my grandchild , I'm not disowning you I just can't have all of us in this house
I still love you and this baby with all my Heart" she said hugging me.

- flashback over-

That's what I love about my mum she supports me with whatever I do.

"Harry!" I yell through his big home.

"Yes princess"

"I'm hungry" I yell


"Ok? that's it" I yell angrily

"What kind of food" he groans.

"Mexican" I happily yell

"Ok I'll be back , be safe don't hurt my son" he laughed

Oh how I love him and my food. :)

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