Chapter 11

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"Ok Nichole are you ready to push" Dr.cross says.

But I'm in too much pain to talk cause I felt a big contraction and felt the need to push so I just started to put my leg up and push.

"That's it nichole your doing good" Dr.cross tried to encourage me to keep going and to be honest with you ,I wasn't gonna stop my son has been inside me for to long and I was ready to bring him in this shitty world.

"Ok Nichole you could take alittle break I almost see his head so your doing good for your first time" Dr.cross says yet again and I hope he would just stop talking.

I felt harry put a cold washcloth on my head and tell me I was doing good, so I started pushing again and I felt Aason's head out already so I kept pushing until I finally felt a rush of relief and then a sharp cry.

"You did it babe" harry says kissing my forehead and looking over to our baby boy being cleaned up my nurses and dr.cross checking to make sure he has all his fingers and toes.

He starts walking towards me with Aason in his arms crying.

I immediately grab him and he stops crying. I look at the beautiful baby me and harry made and I see him open his bright green eyes. I thank god he has Harry's eyes and not my boring blue ones.

"Do you want to hold him" I say.

"What if I drop him I've never even held a baby" he says

"Well you have to hold your son Harold " I argue

"But how do I hold him" he asks

"Go get the nurse harry" I say not wanting to explain to him how to hold a baby.


"Ok are you good now" the nurse says looking at harry hold our son.

"Ya I think I got the hang of it thank you for helping" he says and the nurse walks away.

I look at him hold our baby and I know in the future I would want to get married and have more kids with harry as long as we graduate high school and have good jobs cause I won't marry harry if he has no job or going to college.

The nurse walks over to us and starts to tell us how to do things since we're new parents.

"Ok now feeding I'll help you if you feel comfortable?"

"Yea I'm not really shy since you already saw my lady parts" I say giggling.

"Ok when breast feeding your baby's lips should be opened wide around the breast. The best latch is one in which you don't feel any pain and your baby is getting milk. Getting comfortable with breastfeeding takes time - for you and your baby. Don't be discouraged. Once you and your baby are in sync, breastfeeding can be a beautiful experience." The nurse slowly explains while helping me get Aason to feed.

Once I finished and Aason didn't want anymore he instantly fell asleep I watched him and thought how grateful to have him already.

"When can we go home" harry says to the nurse.

"You should be able to go home tomorrow morning" she says since it's already 2 in the morning.

"Well I'm exhausted" I say laying my head down.

"Go to sleep I'll take care of him" harry says taking Aason from his cot cause he was staring to fuss.

"Okay I'm going to nap" I say getting comfortable then dozing off.

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