Chapter 12

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I wake up and see harry holding Aason and talking to him it's the cutest thing.

"Good morning beautiful" harry says walking over to me.

"Morning does he need feeding" I say ready to hold my baby boy closer to me.

"Yea he's fussy we get to go home when your ready" he says handing Aason over to me.

"That's great" I say smiling while looking at Aason suck as much milk out as he can.

Once he's finally done I put a towel on my shoulder I burp him.

"Your gonna be an amazing mother to him you know" harry says breaking the silence.

"And you'll be an amazing father with me" I say smiling at harry noticing he looked a little sad like something was bothering him.

"You remind me of my mom" he says getting Aason an outfit to wear,diaper and his car seat.

"Hows that"I say putting a diaper and clothes on Aason.

"She always loved me and my sister no matter what we did or decided to do even with my dad" he says helping me put Aason in his car seat where he just went straight to sleep.

"Are we ready" I say looking at my legs were im wearing sweats from yesterday.

"Yep let me call the nurse" he says getting ready to push the button for the nurse.

"No I can walk harry I don't need a wheel chair" I say taking Aason's diaper bag and walking out the room.

"Fine then" he says following close behind.

We walk by the nurses station and wave to them and head to the elevator.

We finally get to the front were harry sets the babies car seat next to me and runs to get the car.


"Go slow" I say while harry starts driving because since I decided to walk I'm in pain now.

"Okay I will babe don't worry" he says driving the way toward our house.

I start to daydream about me and Harry's life now that we have Aason, I hope he proposes in a year or two.

We only have two months of home school left then we graduate. Harry actually really smart when he tries I've kinda became his tutor.

I see we pull up to the house and I get out while harry grabs Aason.

"Welcome home ace"harry says.

"That's what you picked out of all the nicknames harry" I say setting the diaper bag down while sitting on the couch.

Harry takes Aason out of his seat and sits on the couch beside me.

"He's hot huh" I say laughing.

"Yep he got all my genes"

I slap him in his chest and he pretends to be hurt.

"I want him to open his eyes" I say wanting to see his beautiful green eyes.

"I need a shower babe will you be okay by yourself" harry says handing Aason to me.

"Harold I'm fine I know what to do" I say turning the tv on while laying Aason next to me.

"Okay" he says walking up the stairs.

{ Harry's POV}

I love both of them so much i can't wait till our future together as a family with maybe two more kids.

I take a shower and go down stairs to see Nikki and Aason both sleeping.

I grab Aason and run up stairs in our room to put him in his bed

Then run back down stairs to grab Nikki she's still as light as a feather.

I put her in our bed and lay with her and doze off.

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