"Things have been really weird between me and Alya lately. I mean I shouldn't have said yes to Julie after she asked me out but, it wasn't that big of a deal right? " I say with a worried look on my face. Jax just looked at me before saying," I don't know man woman are to complex." We continue walking into Mr. Park's classroom, and the room is filled with Alya's voice. Only not like normal, all she can talk about is the big musical she is in. I see Bianca in the corner, looking at the ground, and for a second I sit next to her. She looks at me like a lost puppy, I do not know what to say so I just go back over and sit with Jax. Mr. Park tells us all to continue working on our projects, and of course, Alya is talking about her musical. We run it through once and she forgets the lyrics.
*What, this does not even matter, just because Mile's life depends on school doesn't mean mine does. I have a career now*~ Alya
"Alya can you just try to focus please?" Alya replies, " sorry Miles, I was just caught up in the moment of everything, I mean you do not know what it feels like performing in front of so many people" I just say," your right I hope I can some day, but right now can we just focus on this?" "I guess so," she replies sharply.
*I just miss my old friend, because honestly, I have no clue where she is right now*~Miles
When class ends, I catch up with Jax, and simply say, "I am screwed." He laughs and says," just get an extension, bat those pretty boy eyes and use your kidney thing for the best." I look at him confused, "I am never using my disease as an excuse." We walk out into the quad for our free period, and I say,"she will come around." I look over a few yards ahead of me to see Alya, no surprise talking about the play. Jax gives me a disapproving look and I know he is wrong, but something about this feels right. Before heading to my next period, I stop by Mr. Park room, and say," can I have an extension on my project with Alya?" He says," of course Miles is everything ok?" I feel horrible lying, and even more guilty to see the worry in his eyes. I just say, " I just haven't been feeling well lately, and I have been up sick for a few nights." "Well of course you can have an extension, I am glad you came to me."
* I feel horrible, for not only ruining my friendship with Alya, but now lying to Mr. Park. What's wrong with me* ~Miles
The next day Alya asks me when we are going to present and I just say I got us an extension, she looks at me furiously than storms out. I know I should go after her, but she's the new Alya, and I am not even sure if the new Alya and I are friends. After class, Jax and I are walking to the quad when Mr. Park stops me, and says can I have a word. Instantly, I feel my stomach drop, and I know I am screwed. He looks at me and says, " I know you were lying, and honestly, I did not think you were that kind of a person." I begin apologizing, but he cuts me off, "sorry ain't gonna cut it, you are gonna perform your song with Alya during the intermission of the showcase." Mr. Park says. I look down, I don't know what to say, this feels just as bad as when I found out I was sick. Than he says one more thing, "next time, I am gonna have to check your story before giving you any extensions." than Mr. Park walks away.
*The only thing worse than doing something you know is wrong, is getting caught.*~ Miles
All of the emotion begins washing over me, the feeling of despair, and it all points back to when I found out I was sick, and I could never be normal. Never pursue music, play any high intensity sports, or make normal friends. I pace a little, until my head clears up, and than walk towards and empty closet. I am shocked to find Bianca Blackwell, in tears sitting in the middle of the small closet.

It's Complicated(Miles)
FanfictionI do not know how I got here, all I know is I made a lot of mistakes. Why don't I start from the beginning, it was 12 hours before Keaton's big showcase. (btw sorry for any typos, in order to update more often i type some on my bus ride on my phone...