Bright lights and Hospitals

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I woke up in a bright room, with beeping monitors and nurses everywhere. I look around my room and I am shocked to see Alya. She is just sitting in the chair staring at me. "Miles I am so sorry, this is all my fault, I should have known something was wrong," she says with a lot of pain in her eyes. I just look at her and say, "it's  fine, this is just my life I am used to it." In the hallway I see a few other people that are approaching the door. Alya slips out while my parents and Jax come in. 

*I cannot believe how blind I have been lately, I wish I could just find the old Alya again, but I don't even know if I can ever be her again or return to Keaton* ~Alya

Behind my family and Jax, a doctor walks in with a clipboard, he says, "we switched your meds, the new ones may have some severe side effects, but they should help you for the long term effects." I am only half listening however, sometimes, you get to the point where you just don't care, meds, treatment, and being sick just become part of life. I wait for the doctor to leave, my parents stare down at me worried but I am not sure why, I mean this happens a lot. They tell me that my kidney is getting weaker, and that the meds I was on before were making my disease worse. At least I can always count on my parents to tell the truth.  I wait for them to leave so I can talk to Jax, as a normal person, but I realize that probably isn't gonna happen either. He just asks me if I am okay, and than he says I have been out for two days, which shocks me. I just tune out a little and think two whole days, maybe I should be taking this disease more seriously instead of hiding it, but hiding it is all I know how to do. I mean opening up about it is basically admitting weakness, right?

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