Alya walks into my hospital room, looking beautiful. I swear her smile could light up an entire world, I mean it already lights up mine. "Hey handsome." Alya says with a bright smile, her blonde hair is curly and bouncing with every step she takes. "Liar," I say jokingly. She punches me in the arm lightly, than we link arms and hop into her parent's car, with my parents following closely behind, doctor's orders. We approach the school, I see the sign that reads Keaton, I feel like I am finally home. Stepping out of the car the night air hits my skin, Alya grasps my hand, leading me into the gym where the dance is being held. Kit, Jax, and some of the other DJs her at Keaton are taking turns DJing, the night feels perfect. A slow song comes on, Alya drags me onto the dance floor, I step on her feet every couple steps, until I let the music sink in. "So you really missed Keaton didn't you, I could tell by the look on your face when we walked in." Alya says a minute into the song. Looking down, smiling I say, "Yea just a little, but I was missing you most of all." She laughs and we lean in for a quick kiss. Suddenly, the song changes to a fast song, Alya starts jumping around, and I follow her lead. I instantly feel dizzy, stopping only for a second to press my hand against my head. Alya looks concerned leading me off the dance floor, "why don't we wait for another slow song later." she smiles. I just nod, breathing heavily already. She walks away, "Why don't I grab some punch," she says. I just nod again. I walk to the edge of the dance floor, leaning against the wall. Mr. Park comes over, "Hey." I look up, "Hey," I reply sheepishly. Mr. Park leans against the wall with me. "How you feeling Miles, be honest, your parents told me there were some complications." Mr. Park says sounding concerned. "Nothing much, I mean besides my body rejecting the kidney, and being on a bunch of random meds I cannot even pronounce, I am the picture of good health." I reply in a jokey voice, only half serious. Mr. Park Looks up, "Just worried, but I know your a fighter. Take care of yourself Miles, please." He turned around and walked away afterwards, a little confused I just walk near the snack table, where I see a familiar face, Bianca.
*I know Miles is really excited about being back at Keaton, I just don't want him to push himself. I really care about him, I don't know what I would do without hi... No I can't think like that, I gotta stay strong for Miles. I just gotta get some punch, take a breath, and have fun, Miles is happy, so why can't I stop worrying about him* ~Alya
*Being at Keaton makes me feel so alive, so normal, like a piece of me is back. My only goal now is to get better, get back to Keaton, get back to my life. Oh yea and fix things with Jax and Bianca before it get's out of hand* ~Miles
I begin walking over to Bianca, I tap her on the shoulder, she spins around quickly, "Hey," she says with so much happiness, but I can see the sadness behind her eyes. I can see beyond her facade, "Bianca I know something is wrong, why won't you just talk to me." I say softly. "Because Lennox, I can't function anymore, being happy is the only thing keeping me from exploding." She replies in an exasperated voice. "But Bianca, are you really happy." I ask her. She suddenly looks down, averting my gaze, "trying to be." Than she walks away and disappears into the crowd. I go in after her, only to see Jax. The problem is, so does Bianca. She looks restless, I see her walk up to Jax. Bianca screams at him, "What's wrong with you, we will never be friends, we can't, your just so stupid. You don't understand what you did Jax, and I don't think you ever will, because you will never understand girls." She throws her hands in the air in exasperation. With a confused expression on his face Jax screams back, "What did I do to you?" Bianca looks down, about to break, "everything," she says in a low voice. I walk over, stepping between them, I can tell they are drawing a crowd of students. Max and Bianca both look at me, together they start yelling that this is my fault. Than, almost ironically, a slow song comes on. Bianca and Jax just look at each other, everything seems to stop. Suddenly, Bianca kisses Jax, than she looks down. Bianca replies, "I am sorry, I gotta go." I watch her try to run, than Jax grab her arm, and says, "Don't be." Than in almost a movie moment, Jax kisses Bianca, but bumps his head on hers. They both laugh, than, they kiss, but for real. Suddenly, I hear a yell from outside of the circle, "Jaxon Gardner, How could you!!??" Jenna runs out crying, Jax runs after her, and Bianca is left alone, again. I see Alya come over, perfect timing. Suddenly a dance song comes on, we all just start dancing, I see Bianca and Alya smile, and than we all laugh. Suddenly, I feel my head start to pound, but I ignore it. A few minutes into the song, my vision starts to get splotchy, until nothing, I hear Alya shriek, than nothing....Again.
*That kiss was magical, but what if he does not actually like me, I mean he ran after Jenna a second later. Honestly I don't know, there has never been a guy who I have met who has been more confusing than Jax. But honestly I am up for the challenge, as long as he is up for the ride.*~ Bianca
*That kiss, was perfect...I mean nothing. Jax clear your head, you are not thinking straight, I mean, it's Bianca, she is probably just messing with you. What if she is not, snap out of it, the thing with Jenna is a sure thing, I know she won't break my heart, but Bianca, I would never be sure what she would do. I just need to focus on getting Jenna back, and forgetting about Bianca, I mean I bet she already has, I just need to clear my head, no matter how pretty Bianca is, Oh no, I think I really like Bianca, what am I going to do*~ Jax
*I do not know how Miles is doing, I just need to hope he will be ok, because that is all I can do anymore, hope. I know, I will surprise him at the hospital, and I have the perfect thing* ~Alya
*I am tired of being sick, I am tired of my illness ruining perfect moments, I am just tired* ~Miles
Sitting in the hospital bed, I felt true defeat. I felt like I would never be normal, I know this may be repetitive, but when you are aloe with your thoughts for this long, you are allowed to be repetitive. I am starting to lose hope, I am never gonna escape these four white walls, the beeping, the smell of hospitals. All I am ever going to be is that sick kid. I remember before I was sick, getting my first guitar, winning my school's talent show. I smile at the memories, than suddenly, I just break down, knowing it will never be the same. I feel the tear drops sliding down my cheeks, suddenly, I hear a familiar voice, and I wipe my tears away. "I have a surprise for you," says Alya from outside. I just smile, I see her hiding something behind her back, than she shows me, it is my guitar. I just smile and hug her, feeling the tears escaping my eyes again, but this time, they are tears of happiness. I sit up, grasping my guitar firmly. Alya takes a seat at the edge of my bed saying, "I thought you'd been missing it a little." I smile grabbing her in a firm embrace, than kissing her. We laugh for a few seconds, than suddenly, I sit on the edge of the bed, and begin to strum. My fingers had a mind of their own, playing all of the chords with ease, than suddenly, I start playing a christmas song. I begin the chords to Baby It's Cold Outside, Alya laughs, than she begins singing,
"I really can't stay (but baby it's cold outside) I've got to go away (But baby it's cold outside) This evening has been (Been hoping you dropped in) So especially nice ( I'll hold your hand there just like ice) My mother will start to worry ( Beautiful what's your hurry) My father will be pacing the floor (Listen to the fire place roar) So really I'd better scurry (beautiful please don't hurry) But maybe just a half a drink more (Put some records on while I pour) The neighbors might think ( Baby it's bad out there) Say what's in this drink (No cabs to be had out there) I wish I knew how (Your eyes are like starlights now) To break this spell (I'll take your hat your hair looks swell)....But baby its cold outside"
After the last harmony we just smiled up at each other, "Thank you so much Alya, you really know me." She smiled than looked up at me, "No problem Miles, sneak attack." She popped up and kissed me on the lips, we just lay in my hospital bed, watching crappy movies, until her mother came. "Thank you," were the only words I could say to begin to show her how much I appreciated and loved her. I owe Alya, I need to show her that I really love her, but how. Better start planning, whatever this is, I know it will be perfect.
*Singing with Miles made me think of old times, when we wrote songs at Keaton. I don't breakdown when I see his empty chair now, I am stronger, because I have to be stronger for the both of us. I love Miles, and I need to be there for him, singing with him was just so perfect, I feel like I can go through anything, as long as he is by my side*~Alya
*Alya is my rock, I do not know what I would do without her, but I need to start showing her I care about her too. For now, I am just going to let the happiness sink in, I have not felt that happy in so long, only Alya and Keaton can bring me that. I can finally go to bed truly happy for once, thank you Alya* ~Miles

It's Complicated(Miles)
أدب الهواةI do not know how I got here, all I know is I made a lot of mistakes. Why don't I start from the beginning, it was 12 hours before Keaton's big showcase. (btw sorry for any typos, in order to update more often i type some on my bus ride on my phone...