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MrEmoPanda - Hey dude what's up
MrEmoPanda - I presume your a guy

SoulPunk182 - Yeah I am

MrEmoPanda - Ok cool
MrEmoPanda - What's up then

SoulPunk182 - Idk

MrEmoPanda - You know you can just leave if you don't wanna talk

SoulPunk182 - No I do wanna but I'm just awkward

MrEmoPanda - Don't be I'm cool

SoulPunk182 - Thanks but I'm just awkward

MrEmoPanda - Just chill w me
MrEmoPanda - I'm a weirdo so you can do anything I don't judge

SoulPunk182 - Ok thanks dude
SoulPunk182 - You seem cool
SoulPunk182 - Unlike everyone I know who are assholes

MrEmoPanda - Same dude I can relate

SoulPunk182 - People are shits sometimes

MrEmoPanda - Ikr sometimes I wanna run away and live in a hermit cave

SoulPunk182 - I'll join you panda that sounds awesome

MrEmoPanda - Did you call me panda

SoulPunk182 - Yeah I did
SoulPunk182 - Do you mind

MrEmoPanda - Nah it's cool
MrEmoPanda - As long as I can call you my little punky

SoulPunk182 - Sure but I'm not really a punk

MrEmoPanda - Well I can call you it anyway

SoulPunk182 - Ok that sounds cool
SoulPunk182 - You seem really awesome

MrEmoPanda - So do you my little punk

SoulPunk182 - Sorry about this though I'm really awkward and suck at this

MrEmoPanda - Nah it's cool I can be awkward to sometimes

SoulPunk182 - Everyone I meet mocks me for it

MrEmoPanda - I think it's cute and your cool

SoulPunk182 - This is really awkward

MrEmoPanda - Yeah I know but that's who we both are I guess
MrEmoPanda - Tell me about you my punky I wanna know this guy I'm talking to

SoulPunk182 - Um I dunno
SoulPunk182 - What do you wanna know

MrEmoPanda -  Just anything
MrEmoPanda - Tell me about you
MrEmoPanda - Tell me everything about this mysterious guy I'm chatting with

SoulPunk182 - Um ok
SoulPunk182 - I'm 17 and I'm in high school as it's probably obvious
SoulPunk182 - Yeah hopefully your not a creepy old guy

MrEmoPanda - I'm 17 too don't worry

SoulPunk182 - Ok well I like music and art
SoulPunk182 - I can't play music but I like listening to it and like metal and rock and punk bands
SoulPunk182 - Everyone mocks me for my art but I like it and I think I'm a alright artist
SoulPunk182 - I'm shy and awkward as you know and I don't have friends
SoulPunk182 - Hopefully you can be my friend because I like you
SoulPunk182 - Sorry about being a weirdo

What You Don't Know (Peterick AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now