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Patrick's POV

"Eth?" "Yeah Patty?" "I wanna ask you something" "Go ahead" "It's the last day of school tomorrow so what are we doing in the holidays?" "I'm going away with Shelly, I'm sorry" "It's ok, she's your girlfriend so you have the right to and you are both graduating high school so there's celebrating to do. I was asking because I have a couple of friends and they're going away to one of their parents beach house and asked me along" "Really? That's awesome" "Yeah it's going to be like half the holidays so I wanted to make sure you're ok with it" "Of course I am, I'm so proud of you"

He comes over to give me a rough hug and thumps my back "I'm happy for you Patty, you can get away from everything and have a good break" "Just one thing" "What?" "They're Pete's friends" "Pete's friends?" "Yeah he introduced them to me and he's coming too" "He'll be there?" "Yeah" "In the same room as you? Your ex boyfriend who you hate and who bullies you is going to be staying with you and sleeping with you?" "I'm not having sex with him and I'm not going to sleep in bed with him or anything, he'll just be there" "I don't know about this" "I know so wanted to ask because if you say no I won't go"

Ethan looks down at me and rubs my arm "I don't want you getting hurt, I care about you" "I know, do you wanna meet the guys before so you trust them?" "Yeah I think so, are they in your classes?" "Um no" "How do you know them?" "We text" "So you don't know them?" "Not really" "Do they go to your school?" "No, they're older" "How much?" "Ones 18 and ones 21" "That could be dangerous" "I know but I trust them" "As long as I meet them and you feel safe it's fine. I trust you and your judgment, you're not stupid so you know what you're doing" "Thanks" "Whatever it'll take to make you happy"

I hug him tight then skip back to tell them I can go

DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - Guys
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - My brother said ok as long as he meets you

Ryrointhebutthole 👅 - YUSSSSSSS

BrendonsButthole 💦 - We have child

Ryrointhebutthole 👅 - MY FUCKING CHILD
Ryrointhebutthole 👅 - BACK OFF

BrendonsButthole 💦 - Sorry

Ryrointhebutthole 👅 - ROOOOD
Ryrointhebutthole 👅 - So basically you guys are coming in a week and you can find a bus or something, I'm too lazy to pick you up

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Thats nice

Ryrointhebutthole 👅 - I know

There's a bit of awkward silence until I get a message from Pete in out private chat. I know I'm supposed to be mad but we're spending most of the holidays together so we should be friends. Being anything more will be impossible but I think we can work with friends, we would make good friends I hope.

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Hey

DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - Hey

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Are you excited about the trip

DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - Ive never been on holiday
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - So yeah it sounds cool

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Are we ok

DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - If your asking about us dating then no
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - But lets be friends
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - No fighting or talking about our relationship until school starts

What You Don't Know (Peterick AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now