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Petes POV

Patrick's finally stopped crying over his brother so I kiss his forehead and get up to turn the lights out. Maybe sleeping in bed with him still isn't a good idea but I don't wanna sleep on the floor when he's so sad. Plus he's warm and beautiful and comfortable so I want to do it just this once.

"P-Pete?" "I'm coming back" "Don't leave" "I won't". I walk back and pull my shirt off then struggle my tight jeans down so I can curl against his back.

"Are you naked Petey?" "No just in boxers" "Should I be too?" "Only if you want". He wiggles around to pull his shirt off awkwardly then settles against me again "Should I take my pants off?" "No it's ok, stay exactly like this, I don't wanna move" "Ok" "Don't be sad darling" "I'm not" "It's ok to be sad, I'm here for you" "I just feel like such a stupid asshole and I shouldn't have opened my mouth" "It's ok, you guys will work things out and I'll be here for you" "Ok, I'm glad I have you" "Im glad I'm here baby. Now go to sleep, Ethan'll be fine in the morning" "Promise?" "Promise" "Are you leaving?" "I'm not moving an inch"

He drifts off pretty quickly and I stay up holding him until there's noise across the hall and the doors pushed open. Ethan opens his mouth to talk but I quickly shush him. "Shh he's asleep" "Oh I didn't realise" "Do you hate me?" "No not really" "You're just protecting your brother I guess" "Yeah I am, he cried for hours when he found out it was you he'd been texting. He was so upset that he'd lost the only friend he had and that broke me, don't do that to him again" "I'm trying, I've never had a proper relationship" "Just look after him" "Always"

Ethan gives me a grudging smile and sighs "Sorry about being a total dick" "Nah its cool, lets just be friends and try to get along just for the sake of Patrick. If you wanna hate me you can but just pretend to like me around him" "I guess his boyfriend and brother hating each other would suck since he loves us both" "Yeah and I love him back so we should let him be happy, plus you seem cool so I wouldn't mind being friends" "Me neither, you're not too bad, I guess Patrick's a good infulence"

He turns around and murmurs goodnight to me the goes back to his room. Its past 1am by now and I need sleep so I cuddle against Patrick under the covers and try to just drift off to sleep.

I'm shaken away by Patrick who looks super upset again so I hold his waist tighter and kiss the base of his ear. "Whats wrong?" "Ethan" "It'll be fine" "No it won't" "It will" "Maybe you should leave so we can work it out, would you mind climbing out the window?" "Um yeah I would. There's a rose bush out there which would fucking hurt and I don't think I'd fit out of your window"

I'm not climbing out his window and running away just because he doesn't want me around. Me and Ethan agreed to be friends and work things out so I don't wanna leave.

"Lets go talk, he'll probably be up" "I dunno, it might make more drama if you're here" "It'll work out, do you trust me?" "Yeah" Then come on my little punky".

He follows me downstairs so I link our hands together and pull him into the kitchen. His parents are still asleep and Ethan's rummaging in the fridge in his boxers so I force Patrick into the room.

"Eth..." "Yeah Patty?" "I'm sorry" "For what? I was being over the top and I get it" "No I'm sorry, I just don't like that he moves away and stops liking me when your around" "He doesn't stop liking you" "I know but I'm old enough to be allowed to have a boyfriend" "I know and he's cool so I'll let you do it, if I hear sex noises I am gonna come in there though" "That's ok" "I do have a limit and loud sex across the hall with my 17 year old brother crosses that" "I know Eth, I won't have sex with Pete anytime soon"

They seem to be fine now so I pull Patrick over to the kitchen counter so I can push my tongue down his throat. Now that I can acceptably do it in front of his brother I'm definitely taking advantage of that.

"Petey stop" "Why?" "I need food" "I'll give you something real good to eat" "Pedophile sounding" "Whatever, you still love me" "Yeah" "Come on, I'll give you something so what do you want?" "PANCAKES!!" "Oh good that's something I can make" "Well that's lucky"

I don't actually know how to make pancakes but Ethan does seem to. He gives me ingredients and basically does everything while I kiss Patrick and occasionally flip a pancake.

"Pancakes are done so stop making out you two" "Look Patty the pancakes are done" "Yeah the ones that you were supposed to make but I had to?" "Yeah thanks for that Ethan" "You're welcome fucker"

They're fucking delicious so I feed Patrick whose sitting on my lap then let him straddle me and kiss my neck while I eat. Ethan seems disgusted but he just rolls his eyes and lets us do whatever we want.

Before we can do anything fun or even finish eating their parents come downstairs. Patrick hurriedly gets off me and straightens himself up and the fun mood completely goes out the window. We'll probably be late to school but they don't seem to give a shit about that or that I'm suddenly in the house.

We manage to get out of the house on time and even take a side trip to Starbucks to get coffee. I don't wanna leave because these two are the only people who are actually fun to be around but I have to. I grudgingly leave and finish my frappiccino as I walk into school, wishing I still had Patrick holding my hand.

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