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Patrick's POV

When I wake up I'm starving again from crying so much so before my parents wake up I run downstairs. I eat a bowl of cereal in peace then run back to my room.

It's Sunday so there's a whole day for me the just sit around being bored and unhappy so that's not so much fun. I know I probably need to so I go onto my laptop and see what Petes said to me.

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Your kidding right???
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Your not gonna kill yourself?!?!
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - You better not kill yourself you little fucker
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - I'm serious you really can't I don't want you to
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - You might be mad but just answer me punky I'm serious

I don't want him to come hunt me down because he's pissed off because I'm ignoring him. No matter how much I hate him making him believe that I've killed myself is horrible. No one should have to live with the knowledge that they're the reason someone's dead so I wipe my eyes and change my name before I reply. I can't stand to have that name since he's not my best friend or boyfriend anymore

SoulPunk182 - I'm fine

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Oh thank fucking god I thought you were serious

SoulPunk182 - No I was just pissed and upset

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Ok good

There's silence for a while and I don't know what to say. I wait for him to say something but he never does and I'm still mad and upset.

SoulPunk182 - Your an asshole

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - I know

SoulPunk182 - I mean it
SoulPunk182 - Your the biggest fucking jerky asshole I've ever met

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Just shut up

SoulPunk182 - No I'm not gonna because I hate you

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - No you don't

SoulPunk182 - You made me feel like I loved you and said you loved me and your a fucking bullshit lier

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Patrick stop

SoulPunk182 - No you fucking shit
SoulPunk182 - I fucking cried myself to sleep last night over you because I was so in love with you and you broke my heart
SoulPunk182 - Are you happy now?
SoulPunk182 - You broke my heart and broke me so you can be happy now


Before I can even think about what he said it says he's offline so I guess he just freaked out on me then left. I don't know if he's serious so I reread it a few times until I decide that he's telling the truth and it's not another mean joke.

For a while I sit there reading our conversations over and over again and wondering what I could have done better.

Most of the day I spend drawing some more and binging OITNB on Netflix. By the time I go to sleep I'm proud that I haven't cried at all today because I'm not gonna give him anymore tears. I'm gonna get over this and prove that I'm not just a little weak loser he can pick on. I care about panda but he doesn't exist, it was all just a prank and a joke so I'm gonna get over it and move on.

The next morning my resolution fails me a bit so I spend a couple of minutes sobbing then get up and trudge to school. It seems longer than usual now that I can't talk to anyone. Usually panda would send me funny messages or tell stories but now I'm all alone. Before it wasn't too bad but now that I've had a best friend for once it hurts to loose it.

The morning trudges by and I avoid the library like a plague at lunch. Eventually I have to go to the bathroom so I just hope Pete isn't there to beat me up. It'd feel a million times worse to know that the guy I'd given my whole heart to was the one hurting me so badly.

Unluckily Pete is sitting outside the library and looks up the second I step into the hall and his eyes follow me all the way. He doesn't move so I sigh and run to the bathroom and lock myself in the cubicle to breathe.

I think I was relieved way too early though because when I walk out Petes standing there looking at me. "That's a shame" He says quietly making me bite my lip and keep looking up at him "W-what?" "It's a shame you went in there, I was trying to be a perv and see what you've got under there".

He doesn't seem to wanna hit me and he's not looking angry so maybe he isn't gonna hurt me for once.

"D-did you want something?" "I always want something but I'm fine at the moment" "Um ok". I slowly walk over to wash my hands, not wanting to turn away from him and have him hurt me while I'm not looking. Eventually I turn away and trust that he is being nice to me at the moment.

When I'm done I turn back and watch him cautiously "Can I go?" "Not yet" "Um... Ok" "Stop biting your lip or I'll fucking bite it for you" "Um... I'm sorry" "Let me think"

We both stay in place for a couple of minutes while Pete watches me. I stand there shaking and biting my lip even though he told me not to because I'm so scared. I know panda but panda doesn't exist so I'm left here trying to figure it out. I thought I knew Pete but now he's a mix of panda and Pete and it's so confusing.

"Patrick, come here" "Why?" "Just do it" "Why?" "Just come over here to me punky, I won't hurt you". When he calls me punky I soften a little even though I know I shouldn't. I slowly walk over, trying to keep as much distance between us as possible.

"Here" He murmurs and holds a piece of paper out to me which I wait a second before taking because it's very suspicious. "I promised you it so here you go, I won't break the promise to my punk" He walks out before I can say anything so I look down at the paper.

It's a printed ticket for the FIR show which I stare at for a couple of seconds to decide if it's real then hug it tight to my chest. I can't believe he's actually giving it to me. I thought he'd forget about it or take someone else when he found out who I am but maybe he isn't as awful as I thought.

My phones broken so I can't message him and tell him how much it means to me without getting my whole laptop out. It would be weird to sit in the boys bathroom with my laptop sending love messages to a guy who doesn't even like m. He probably just didn't wanna seem like the biggest asshat in the world for breaking a huge promise. Maybe he just didn't have time to invite anyone else since it's in 5 days.

With a happy sigh I tuck the ticket safely in my bag because there's no way I want to ever loose it. It's one of the best things that's happened to me in a while so it makes me really happy even though I am upset about Pete.

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