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Patrick's POV

I float through most of the morning on a high and even classes which I usually hate seem tolerable. The thought of meeting my panda and going to a concert with him can make even the shittiest things seem amazing.

At lunch I don't even bother being scared of people and confidently walk to the library. This turns out to be a big big mistake.

Pete's waiting there sitting cross legged on the ground like usual even though I haven't come here for a couple of weeks. I don't get why he still waits here but maybe he's sexting his girlfriend or something. I have no idea and I don't really care at the moment.

As I walk past his eyes shoot up and a smirk spreads across his face. This should have told me to turn the fuck around and run but like the stupid optimistic idiot I am I keep walking.

Pete gets up and grabs me, pulling me by the arm into the nearest bathroom and slamming me into the sink "Hey fag". I look up in terror unable to speak which gets me kneed in the stomach then a slap across the face as I fall to the ground "Don't fucking ignore me faggot" "I'm sorry" "You should be" "Why are you doing this?" "I'm pissed off and you're fun to play with" "But I did nothing" "You exist and that's enough"

I curl into a ball as he kicks me a couple more times then spits down onto me and grumbles "Stupid useless fag" as he walks out. For once he didn't kick me until I'm almost unconscious and he was almost nice this time so I should feel grateful. Going from such a high this morning and now feeling so shit makes it a million times worse though.

With trembling hands I lock the bathroom door as I start to break down and cry. I don't know what to do with myself or how to do anything except sit here and sob. By the time I stop crying enough to have a rational thought all I want to do it cut myself so that's what I do.

Yanking out the full sized art scissors from my bag I take one of the blades down to my arm and slash myself down the wrist. The blood starts flowing instantly and I stare at in shock because I didn't mean to do it. I thought it'd help but now that I've done one cut I don't want this anymore. I throw the scissors as hard as I can and collapse against the door again.

Pandas the only person I have and the only thing I can think of so I grab my phone and try to message him.

UrBae😘😘 - Panda

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Hey babe

UrBae😘😘 - Help

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - What's wrong

UrBae😘😘 - Help

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Talk to me
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Please tell me what's up

UrBae😘😘 - Help

Texting with my arm bleeding isn't working so I grab my PE shirt and wrap it around my arm to try to stop the blood. That seems to stop it but I still feel light headed and can't concentrate.

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Baby please what's wrong

UrBae😘😘 - I hurt myself

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - What?!?
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - What did you do?!?!?!

UrBae😘😘 - Cut myself

What You Don't Know (Peterick AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now