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Patrick's POV

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Patrick I'm sorry

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - I didn't mean to hit you I'm sorry and I hope your ok

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Patrick I didn't mean to hurt you

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Im sorry baby I'll make it up to you

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Fine I'll leave you alone but I am so so sorry

Every day this week he sends me a message a day apologising for whatever he and his friends did that day but I ignore it. I don't wanna see this and I don't want this. He can be as sorry as he likes but no matter how much he apologises and says he'll make it up to me he never does. He never stops and everyday he does exactly what he's told to do so he can't be all that sorry.

The weekends a blur of Ethan, YouTube, crying and staring at the empty message screen wishing Pete would text. I know he won't because he said he'd stop and I would probably get even more upset if he did but I want him. I just wish one day there'll be a message saying he's sorry and he wants to be with me. All I want is for him to say he's going to leave his friends and be open with me but the message never comes.

I wake at some horrible time in the middle of the night on Sunday and turn over to try to sleep but give up and text Pete. I don't care if it makes me look needy and stupid, I am needy and stupid and I want my panda back.

DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - Pete
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - Are you asleep

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - No baby I'm awake

DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - I fucking miss you
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - Why are you such an asshole
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - Your so nice and perfect and beautiful so why do you have to be mean and have stupid friends
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - It's not fair

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Im sorry angel

DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - The bruises don't say your sorry

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - But I am
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Im sorry I made any bruises on your beautiful body
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Let me come over and make it all better

DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - No
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - Im not that stupid
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - It could be your friends pranking me
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - I don't wanna get hurt anymore

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - You won't be
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - You have Ethan just let me come

DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - Ok
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - You can

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Open your window I'm outside

DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - Asshole
DaddiesLittleGirl 💁🏻 - When did you get here

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - I walked as we talked
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince 👑😘 - Open the window baby

I slide out of bed and open it so he can crawl through while I collapse back on my bed. "Hey Punky" "Hi" "Are you ok?" "Yeah" "Get out of bed" "Noooooo" "Yeah I wanna see the bruises baby" "No, I don't wanna have more made while your looking" "I won't hurt you, I don't wanna hurt you"

Im so tired and drained from this whole drama so as always I do what he wants. I sigh and let him push the covers back and pull up my shirt so my bruised chest gets hit by cold air as he looks down at me. "I'm sorry babe" "Don't be, I deserve it for trusting you" "I'm sorry angel, I'm so so sorry" "Well that doesn't stop you hitting me" "I know, I'm sorry"

That seems to be the only thing he has to say so I curl up and push my shirt down "I'm gonna sleep now" "Can I sleep with you?" "Your not getting any of this ass" "Not your ass, I wanna cuddle" "I guess, just piss off before I wake up" "You're mean when your tired" "I know, come here asshole I'm cold"

He crawls in with me and wraps himself around my body "I've missed this" "I've missed you panda" "I know angel, I'm just scared to be a loser" "I've been one for my whole life, deal with it" "I'm trying" "Try harder and be warmer" "I'm trying, I'm only in a t-shirt and pyjama pants so I'm freezing" "Come here stupid asshole"

He's being annoying and cold and I wanna sleep and enjoy this moment. I'm not fully awake enough to remember all the reasons I'm mad at him so I can just enjoy time with the guy I love. He's a piece of shit and I know I'm supposed to hate him but he's also my best fucking friend and I can't help myself.

I roll over and put my arms on his hips and my head in the crook of his neck. "Warm up asshole" "Stay like this and I will" "I don't plan to move" "Me neither, you're beautiful my angel" "I know I am" "I like you when you're sleepy" "You like me no matter what" "That's true" "Go to sleep, I'm fuck damn tired" "Good night" "Night asshole, I love you" "Love you too my punk"

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