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Patrick's POV

I'm scared but Pete pulls me along and squeezes my hand every couple of seconds. "P-Pete" I stutter making him stop to face me "Yeah baby?" "Can we just go back to my room?" "Why?" "I don't wanna get insulted for an hour and I don't want you to get insulted too" "I can deal with it punky, come on, it'll be fine" "Ok" "Good, I'll make it fun, trust me" "I do" "Good"

When we walk in they don't even notice Pete so I give a little cough like Ethan always does "Um this is my friend Pete, he's staying for dinner?" "Ok if he wants" Mum mumbles then looks up at Ethan "How was school Ethan honey?" Ethan gives me an apologetic look then starts talking so I can walk over to my seat and flop down. There's an extra couple of seats so Pete can sit next to me and grabs my hand then whispers "You ok?" "Yeah I'm used to it, it just hurts a bit since I like you and it's embarrassing" "I won't judge you" "You're awesome" "I know"

There's shepherds pie for dinner which they know I can't eat so I take some salad and start picking out the chicken in it. "What's up? Don't you like this?" Pete whispers so I sigh since I thought I'd already told him "I'm vegetarian" "Oh I'm sorry, do they know?" "That's why they made it" "I'm sorry, I won't eat it either if you can't" "No you should eat, I'm not gonna make you unhappy because of my preference" "Thank you, I love shepherds pie and I don't overly like Caesar salad so it'd kinda suck" "Just eat"

He takes the spoon and takes a big spoonful of it then takes mashed potato and peas. He gives me another sympathetic smile then tucks in as Ethan turns to us with a mouthful of mashed potato "This is Patrick's friend Pete, he's in Patrick's year and he's a quarterback on my team so he's cool".

Suddenly when he says that he plays with Ethan, mum and dad both start paying attention to him and now I'm the only one sitting there being ignored. "Oh you play with Ethan?" My mum says so Pete nods and swallows his mouthful to talk "Yeah I started this year" "Cool so you'll be playing at the game next weekend?" "Yup" "We might see you there then, good luck" "Thanks, I'm excited"

The conversation goes well from there and Pete seems to get along with them well. They seem like a really good group and they could be a family because they all talk easily and get along. Ethan and Pete both shovel down their food then talk with their mouths open so they could be brothers. No wonder he was so shocked when he found out Ethan's my brother, we're complete opposites.

When I finish my salad and mashed potato I wait for a silence then talk to my mum "I'm done so can me and Pe-". I can't even finish before she cuts over me and talks to Ethan again about his girlfriend. I sigh and push my chair back, put my plate, knife and fork in the sink then go back to my room. I've never felt worse about this because even my boyfriend fits in with my family better then me. I hate myself and I hate my family and I hate that I'm so hated here.

I lie on my back until Pete comes back to lie next to me and throws an arm across my stomach "Hey punky" "Hey" "You ok?" "Yeah" "Is that the truth?" "No, you fit in with my family perfectly and you could be their son but I'm so different and it feels shit" "So what? You fit in with me" "But you're way better with Ethan, you might as well date him instead of me" "No, he's straight and taken, plus I like you more" "I love you" "Love you too, want me to make you feel better?" "Ok"

I'm super upset but I can't wait for more kissing. Pete knows me a lot but he doesn't know everything so I guess kissing is easier than talking for both of us. Plus it'll be good for me to calm down before trying to talk more. It's annoying he knows me so well but I've never had that before so I do enjoy it.

We kiss a bit then he pecks my lips a couple of times then pulls away and jumps off my bed "Do you have Netflix?" "Yeah" "Good otherwise I would introduce you to the amazing world of it but you have it so that's good". I grab my laptop and Pete puts on the first James Bond movie and puts his arm around me as we sit in bed.

When it's done we muck around for a while and Pete stalks my messaging account to talks to random people. I don't have a web cam though which he's sad about because we can't find random naked people. Some people we talk to are so weird so it's funny and Pete says random shit and leans his head against my hair.

"I'm tired should we go to bed Patty" "But it's only like 10" "But I'm tired" "Ok I guess so" "Do you have pyjamas or what?" "Yeah I do" "You wanna change?" "I guess" "Come on"

I go to the bathroom and pull on my t-shirt and pyjama pants then go in to see if Ethan's still there. For once he hasn't gone to see his girlfriend, probably because he doesn't trust me and Pete. I go over and hug him from behind making him jump. "Oh it's just you Patty" "I'm going to bed" "Is Pete staying?" "I'm not sure" "You wanna go see?" "Yeah" "Come on"

When we get back Pete's sitting in my bed running his hand through his messy black hair and Ethan growls "Are you fucking naked you little shit?". Pete's eyes go wide and he basically falls out of bed trying to get up as he stutters "No no no, I sleep in boxers but thinking about it now this was a very bad idea" "Yeah especially when you're considering sleeping in bed with my brother"

They stand there with Ethan glaring and Pete looking awkward until I sigh "Are you staying the night Pete?" "Yeah hopefully" "Ok". I don't know what to say so I look up at Ethan, hoping he won't literally throw him out the window. After a minute Ethan sighs and looks down at me pouting up at him.

"Ok fine, he's not sleeping in your bed and I'm staying across the hall with the door open" "Thanks Eth, do you know where the spare mattress is?" "You couldn't fit it in your room" "What do I do?" "Gimme a minute".

He goes off and comes back with a bunch of blankets and chucks them on the floor with a couple of pillows "He can sleep on the floor and hopefully it'll be comfy enough that he won't think about joining you" "You're like an overprotective dad" "Well I care about you, plus I don't need to hear my brother have sex"

He ruffles my hair and gives Pete a glance to make sure he won't do anything then goes back to his room. Once he's gone Pete flops down onto the blankets on the floor "Oh thank goodness he scares the shit out of me sometimes".

I sit next to him and smile "Do you wanna sleep down there or should I?" "It's your bed so you can sleep there, I'm fine here" "Are you sure? My beds not too small for us" "No it's fine, I still don't like the idea of getting thrown out a window" "It's fine" "Nah we've only just got together so I think that'd be weird. It's like a sleepover if I'm down here instead of being in bed like we're fucking" "Ok" "Get your cute ass up there"

I peck his lips one more time then climb into my bed and look down at him "Are you putting on a shirt?" "I wasn't planning on it" "Good, you're hot" "Well that's good, don't want you being disappointed"

We talk for a while which is really nice and feels so special and intimate to me. I've texted him all night a couple of times but it's always been over the phone so it's good that we work just as well in person.

"We should sleep now punky" "Oh do we have to?" "Yeah babe" "Ok, goodnight I guess" "Night, love you" "Love you too panda" "Go to sleep now Patty"

Pete falls asleep almost instantly and after a while I hear Ethan's snores so I lie there thinking. I think about how happy I am lately until I eventually drift off after a couple of hours lying happily alone in the dark.

What You Don't Know (Peterick AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now