28. (Final)

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Patrick's POV

Happily there's no messages all night so I guess they just talked about me in their private chat. It's slightly weird but I guess it does seem like a Pete thing to do.

Ethan hugs me tight in the morning before I go to school since it's one of the last times I'll see him for a while. He's graduating then going off with his girlfriend after school so I'll only see him now then after graduation. After that he's gone for 2 weeks, what will I do without him?

"I'll miss you so much" "I know but any time you need me you can text me and if you wanna call me every night you can" "Yeah I will, it'll be a sucky week at home without you but after that it'll be fun" "When will you be home?" "I don't know but I'll text you everyday, I'll tell you what's happening and when I'm coming" "That'd be awesome, I'll miss you little bro" "I'll miss you too Eth"

We hug for a while longer before he pats me on the back and pulls away "I'll see you after graduation, I love you bro" "Love you too, have fun and I'll see you when I get back to" "I'm proud of you" "I'm proud of you too"

Ethan fixes the tie on the suit he's wearing and gets into the car he's rented for the holiday with his girlfriend to drive us to school.

Graduations first thing in the morning sadly so I have to sit listening to speeches and watching people get certificates. Afterwards Ethan runs up to me and sweeps me off my feet in a hug as soon as I get out of the assembly. I hug him for a while until his girlfriend comes over and he lets me go to put his arm around her. "I'll see you in a while, call me tonight ok" "Yeah of course, have fun" "I will"

They go off so I'm left all alone but at least we just have lunchtime then we have another assembly then we can go home. Today's pretty chill since it's the last day and we have no work or classes.

I spend the first half of lunch in the library reading a cool horror book I find until I'm grabbed by both arms. I know it's Andy and Joe who force to my feet and pull me out of the room. I shake my head and struggle even though I know it's pointless since I can't get away.

They pull me out and pin me against the lockers so I sigh and keep struggling against their hold on my arms. "Go away assholes" "Shut up bitch" "Yeah I'm a bitch thanks for the compliment" "Fucking little shit"

They kick me against the locker and my head bangs against them making my vision go slightly fuzzy. "Shut up you stupid faggot" "I'm not a faggot" "You're a stupid, ugly, useless faggot, don't deny it"

I lean against the lockers breathing heavily until Pete appears behind them and looks at the two of them in horror.

"Yo Pete wanna have a final hit on him for the year?" Joe says with a smirk so Pete just steps forward and looks at me sadly. I hate this, it was supposed to be a good day and it'd be a horrible start to the holiday to have more bruises.

"P-Pete" I stutter out and Pete's face falls. I'm expecting the hit but he just takes a deep breath then turns around and slams his fist into Joes jaw then shoves Andy in the chest "Fuck off, I'm done with you two". He turns back to me and reaches out a hand "Come on Patty".

I look at his hand for a second then grab onto it and we run out into the parking lot and down the road. We run until we get to an intersection and have to stop to wait for the crossing light.

"Pete, you actually stood up for me" "Yeah, I miss you and it's the last day of school so why not?" "They'll kick your ass next year" "Yeah but we have all summer for me to be happy with you then I'll start next year with you too" "You're the best"

I look at him smiling at me for a second then launch myself into his arms and hug him tight "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me" "Same here, you made me a better person" "I love you, I love you so much" "I love you too, so so so so much"

I pull back and keep my arms around his neck "I love you panda" "I love you too punky, wanna be my boyfriend again?" "Of course, you stood up for me and that's the only reason we broke up, you're finally gonna be mine again" "Good, I've missed you, Ryan and Brendon are going to be so happy" "I'm glad, they're some of the beet people I've ever met, not quite as amazing as you though"

We stand there kissing for ages, despite getting beeped at for holding up the lights by not crossing the road but who cares? They can wait a couple of minutes for the lights but I've been waiting my whole life for this boy and I'm going to get as much of him as I can.

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