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Pete's POV

I feel like shit, absolute shit. I've spent all night sitting next to my phone waiting for my punk to text but he hasn't and I don't know if I should be happy or sad. It's good because it could mean he hasn't cut again and doesn't need any help. It could also mean he has done it and he's bleeding to death on his bed. I just wanna talk to him and know he's ok, I love him so much

By 6am I decide to give up on sleep so I go downstairs, ignoring the moans from my sisters room. I don't care who's fucking her this morning because I have bigger issues.

With a couple of cups of strong black coffee I feel a lot better after pulling an all nighter worrying about my punk.

I wait for the bus while checking my phone every couple of minutes but he still doesn't message me. Eventually I'm so worried that I suck up my ego and check on him because I need to know.

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Babe are you ok??

After a couple of seconds I send another one because maybe if I send enough he'll notice or he'll wake up and reply.

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Are you awake???
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - I just wanna make sure your ok

When there's no reply it makes me worried so the entire bus ride to school I spend sending him messages. Here mostly just saying I'm worried and that I wanna know he's ok. Finally I'm so worried I just message him with the most drastic thing I can think of to make him notice.

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Punky please reply or if your not ok give me your address and I'll fucking come over there and see you
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - Babe if your ok then just reply I'm having a heart attack from worry

When he doesn't reply I almost have an actual heart attack but finally a message comes up and I slump down into my seat with relief

UrBae😘😘 - I'm sorry panda
UrBae😘😘 - I'm fine I was just sleeping because I felt shit

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - That's fine I was just worried you'd hurt yourself again

UrBae😘😘 - No I'm fine
UrBae😘😘 - I have you so I'm fine

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - You'll always have me

UrBae😘😘 - Thank you panda

PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - I just wanna be there for you
PunkiesLittleEmoPrince - I love you my punky

UrBae😘😘 - Love you to panda

I know maybe it's weird for me to say I love him so much when we've never met but I do. I'm not usually an emotional person but he's my closest friend and basically my boyfriend so I wanna say it. He's never made fun of me for saying it and he always says it back so it just makes me feel so good. It's a good way to make him feel better and reassure both of us so I just like it. Maybe tomorrow when I meet him I'll kiss him and say I really do love him.

When the bus gets to school I get off with a sigh and avoid Joe and Andy. At first I loved being friends with them because they were cool and they made me feel cool too but now I hate it.

I wouldn't really say I'm a bully, I just have a bad temper and a desire to please people and look good. I guess maybe that's just what all bullies are so maybe I am one.

What You Don't Know (Peterick AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now