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Patrick's POV

Talking with that guy MrEmoPanda last night was so nice and he was pretty cool and easy to talk to. He's my only friend right now and I'm stupidly attached to him even though I only just met him.

Like he told me to I download the app onto my phone and thankfully it works well. I only have an old iPhone 3 that was once Ethan's so its not amazing but it works. The website we were on is basically a texting sight so I can talk to panda even without internet and it's amazing. This morning I considered looking for more people to talk to but for now I'm happy with panda and talking to people is hard. Maybe if he ends up hating me I'll find someone else but for now there's no need.

Panda isn't online but its only 6:05 so I didn't expect him to be so I just stalk his profile for a few minutes. There isn't much just some info saying male, 17 and lives in NSW but I already knew all that. His pictures a cute one of Frerard which I've seen before and I already knew he was a Killjoy so it doesn't help much.

MrEmoPanda - Hey punky you up?

When the message pops up I smile and quickly reply

SoulPunk182 - Yeah I'm up

MrEmoPanda - When does ur school start

SoulPunk182 - 8:30

MrEmoPanda - Mine does too and it sucks balls

SoulPunk182 - Ikr I just wanna sleep

MrEmoPanda - Fuck same
MrEmoPanda - Wyd

SoulPunk182 - Sitting on my bed

MrEmoPanda - With cute bed head and crumpled clothes?

SoulPunk182 - Its not really cute but yeah

MrEmoPanda - Everything you do is cute

SoulPunk182 - You don't even know me

MrEmoPanda - I dont have to
MrEmoPanda - You just seem like a cute person and I'm very gay so I'm not really picky

SoulPunk182 - Thanks panda

MrEmoPanda - Are you in pjs?

SoulPunk182 -  Yeah

MrEmoPanda - Same you better get dressed even tho you probably look adorable in them

SoulPunk182 - Its only 6

MrEmoPanda - Dont want you to be late darling

SoulPunk182 - Ok

With a giggle I throw my phone down then pull on the ugly uniform I have to wear then pick up the phone again. In the last 5 minutes he's sent me about 10 messages so I read then with a giggle

MrEmoPanda - Did you actually leave
MrEmoPanda - Noooooooooooooooo
MrEmoPanda - I was kidding
MrEmoPanda - Come back my punk
MrEmoPanda - I won't be an asshat i promise
MrEmoPanda - Where did you gooooooooo
MrEmoPanda - Babe
MrEmoPanda - My darling punky
MrEmoPanda - Are you dead
MrEmoPanda - Are you naked
MrEmoPanda - Can i get noooooooooods
MrEmoPanda - Pls
MrEmoPanda - Ill love you forever

He's such a weirdo but I like it so after I've read it all I reply

SoulPunk182 -  Im here

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