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Patrick's POV

Yesterday was good but when Petes waiting outside of school for me I know this might not be good. He never waits for me or wants to be in public so this is weird.

"Petey what's up?" "Oh I'm just waiting for you" "Why?" "Why not?" "You never wanna be in public with me" "Yeah but there's no one around so it's fine, I wanna ask you something" "What is it?" "Wanna go on a date? Like a proper one with Starbucks and food and fun stuff instead of just Netflix and making out on your bed" "Ok, what are we doing?" "I have no clue my punk I'm not good at this" "The beach?" "Well it is getting to the end of summer so we should soak up the sun" "It's an excuse for you to wear minimal clothes" "That sounds good"

We both smile and go off to class. I don't see him at lunch so I have to spend time in the library but he's waiting outside school for me. "You ready?" "No I need to go home and get stuff" "Why?" "Because towels and clothes are important" "Wear boxers and let the sun dry you" "We can't lie on the beach without a towel while we're wet" "Oh I guess that's a good point" "It'll be quick" "Alright"

We walk to my house and I grab some towels but I agree to just wear my boxers. I would rather not because they're not the most covering thing but it's what Pete wants so I'll do it. Neither of us can drive so we walk down to the beach and take a lazy walk down the beach.

It seems like it'll be such a great time but as always I'm worried. "Pete this is a bad idea" "Why?" "There'll be people we know and you can't be in public with me" "Its fine" "I don't wanna ruin you" "Ok, there's a small bay around the corner where most people don't go, wanna try it?" "Where is it?" "We have to either climb along the rocks or swim out" "Maybe we'll walk across the rocks then" "Ok lets go"

With my horrible balance I manage to slip many times but Pete holds my hand and leads me. That's probably the only reason I don't fall off the rocks and split my head open. I'm super glad he's here even though he teases me the entire time.

When we get there the beach is pretty tiny and totally deserted. It makes it seem like we shouldn't be there but Pete doesn't care so I guess it's fine.

I chuck down the towels and he pulls me into the water where he splashes around then ducks under to wet his hair. With his shaggy black hair smoothed back he looks like an old fashioned jazz singer and it's really cute. I say that but to be honest no matter what Pete looks like I always find him cute.

Once I start to get cold I leave Pete splashing around and go to lie on a towel in the sun to warm up. Eventually Pete comes and joins me so we lie there contently together for a while.

"Patty?" "Yeah" "Wanna play something?" "Play what?" "I dunno, truth or dare?" "We're the only ones here so it wouldn't be so embarrassing for dares" "Then truth or truth" "Yeah ok". Pete smiles and props himself onto his side with his elbow and watches me "Truth or truth Patty?" "Lemme think about that.... Truth" "Ooh I wasn't expecting that, so who would you go straight for?" "I'm 100% gay" "But like who would you go straight for if they wanted you" "Hayley Williams probably, she's hot" "That's a good one, I probably would too honestly"

Pete tangles a hand in my hair and pulls me in for a kiss then murmurs "Your turn" as he starts kissing my neck. I'm wearing a shirt but he isn't so his hands slip gently under the hem and run along my chest as his mouth works.

"Um..... If we hadn't of texted each other would we have ever dated?" "Um probably not. I didn't know you and I wouldn't have talked to you otherwise. It's just because we texted and I found out how awesome a person you are" "Otherwise you'd still bully me?" "I dunno if I would bully anyone because it's no fun anymore and I feel awful" "Do you think I'm attractive?" "Yeah you're really fucking pretty. I always thought you were kinda cute but I would never act on it but now I know you so I will"

Again his hands pull me closer and he pecks my lips then smiles softly as he asks "What's up with your family? You've never told me" "They hate me" "Yeah I get that but why? What did you do to make them hate you? It can't just be them being assholes since they like Ethan" "I'm gay, I like art and music, I'm quiet and dress weird so they hate it. I'm not their perfect son and they don't want someone like me so they ignore me. I guess they think if they do it long enough I'll just leave" "That sucks" "It's fine, I have you and Ethan and I'm used to it" "If you're having daddy issues then I'll be your daddy" "Piss off" "Alright sorry, you don't need them though, they're idiots" "I figured that out a long time ago"

Like he does after every question Pete kisses me once more before my next question. "Your turn Pat Pat" "Don't call me Pat" "Well then, your turn Tricky" "That's better. How do you think the worlds gonna end?" "Huh?" "Do you think the sun will explode or an apocalypse or plague?" "That's really deep" "Yeah I know" "Well eventually the sun will explode but humans will probably be extinct by then" "How come?" "Well I think it's possible that we'll all kill each other or robots could take over and kill us. Also there's like a million ants for every person so if they revolt against us we're screwed. Also maybe all the seas will dry up and we'll have no water and no food and we'll all starve to death" "Those are all pretty logical but I think the ant ones scary, we need to look out for that"

After one more kiss we continue. "Alright it's my turn. What's the most important thing in life to you Trick?" "Like person or possession or what?" "All of it, what's most important to you" "Well person is probably Ethan because he's my brother so he does have priority like he always says. Important thing I don't really have because I'm not a material person"

These questions are getting pretty deep but I guess that's important because we need to get to know each other. We're dating but we don't actually know all that much about each other so these are good things to know. We can kiss and talk about useless stuff all the time but that's not what we need for a good relationship.

"If you had 3 wishes what would you wish Petey? No saying more wishes or anything" "That's hard. I would probably have the power to control life and death. Then I could kill people who ruin the world and keep people I love or who do great things alive and bring people back from the dead" "That's only 1" "Ok, let me think for a second"

He spends a long time thinking and then gives a small smile "I would read people's minds because I could cheat on tests and know everything. Also I could know what people think and know what they're planning and just know everything. I'd be like an evil super villain with my mind powers" "Is that all?" "Nope, one more. I would want to control nature because then I would make gold rise out from under the ground and I'd be rich. Also I could make trees take in more carbon dioxide so we don't have too much global warming"

This turned out to be a way deeper question then I thought but it's cool and those are really good ideas. I thought he'd just wish for a big penis or something but he's always surprising me.

After a while of questions, some that are deep and some just weird we take a nap in the sun and sunbath a bit more. When we get bored we decide to get some Starbucks then hang out at my house for a bit.

What You Don't Know (Peterick AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now