Chapter Two

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In the morning you wake up to your alarm clock signalling it's time for school. You groan and get up taking a shower and slipping on your uniform. You walk out into the small kitchen area seeing Kisuke already up with a cup of tea and the morning paper. You sit down in front of Yoruichi in her black cat form giving her ear a stroke. Kisuke explained everything to her and the rest of the shop crew last night. After talking to the others for a bit you set out on your way to school Yoruichi following you, her tail swooshing side to side as you both walk.

"Are you excited for your first day?"

"Not exactly"

"Listen what happened with Aizen-"

"I don't want to talk about it"

"You're not a monster y/n Kisuke and I will help you train to control your hollow"

You flinch at the word 'hollow' that's what Aizen had created inside you to make you stronger. He wanted to make the perfect killing machine after many failed attempts you were the one, his most prized pet. You shiver just thinking about it.

You make it to school on time getting your schedule and making it to your first class just in time. As you walk in all eyes turn to you and you see some very familiar confused faces. You keep your eyes to the ground not wanting to meet anyone's gaze until the teacher addresses you.

"Miss f/n l/n, Please take a seat in front of Ichigo Kurosaki. Ichigo raise your hand."

You instantly see Ichigo's head snap up in your direction and your eyes connect until he slowly reaches his hand up. You walk over in his direction your eyes never breaking contact as your heart goes haywire. You sit in your seat stiffly keeping your focus on the front of the class room. You can feel Ichigo's eyes burning a hole in the back of your skull and you look around to see Orihime and Tatsuki giving you confused stares as well. You shift in your seat uncomfortably a million thoughts running through your head unable to focus on the lesson. You feel a tap on your shoulder breaking you out of your thoughts as you turn around Ichigo passes you a piece of paper. You glance at him confused and he has a stone cold glare on his face making you shiver. You read the note that has 'Meet me after class' scribbled on it and you sigh.

What if he thinks I'm a monster? What if Ichigo hates me? What will happen to them if Aizen finds me? Everyone I love is now in danger until he finds me again.

When the bell sounds you rush to gather your things and make a break for the door. You don't get very far down the hall before someone grabs your wrist already knowing who it is you stop. You have to explain to everyone sooner or later right? 

"We need to talk" Ichigo says sternly his glare never leaving his face.

You nod following him outside the school probably skipping the rest of the day not that it really matters any way. Ichigo stops a good distance away down the street making you almost run into his back. 

"Ichigo I can-" 

You get caught off guard by Ichigo hugging you tightly his chin on top of your head. Your shocked at first but then slowly wrap your arms around his muscular frame.

"I missed you...So much y/n" You hear him whisper

"I missed you too Ichigo"

"I never stopped looking for you"

"I know"

Ichigo lets go and just like that the moments over between you two.

"You're a soul reaper?" Ichigo says confused

"You know about Soul reapers and stuff?" 

"Yeah, I'm a substitute Vizard"

"So you know about Aizen...."

"Aizen Sousake? What about him?"

"He's the one who took me...He experimented on me and made me a Vizard too..." You say not meeting Ichigo's gaze.

"What?!" Ichigo snarls catching you off guard.

"I'm sorry Ichigo-"

"I'lll kill that bastard for even looking at you!" Ichigo growls 

"Ichigo I'm fine"

"I'll protect you y/n I promise" Ichigo says with sincerity.


"You should have dinner at my house tonight, I'm sure Karin and Yuzu missed you too." Ichigo says nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah sure" You smile softly at Ichigo and he gives a ghost of a smile back.

"ICHIGOOO!!!" You hear some shout before seeing a blur of brown hair fly by and slamming into Ichigo's extended foot.

"Hey Keigo" Ichigo says monotone


You turn around to see Orihime with tears in her eyes and a huge smile on her face.


You and Orihime hug eachother while she cries into your shoulder saying incoherent sentences along with hiccups.

Ichigo's POV~

"Hey Ichigo who's your girlfriend?" Keigo whispers to me noticing my staring at Orihime and y/n's sobbing.

"She's not my girlfriend" I grumble already annoyed a signature scowl on my face.

"So she's free game then??" Keigo says wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and I roll my eyes.

"Not even in your dreams Keigo"

Y/n POV~

You get introduced to Ichigo's new friends the dark skinned one named Chad, the loud brown haired one named Keigo, and a small girl named Rukia that has been studying you the whole time.  After saying good bye to everyone you and Ichigo make your way to his house for dinner.

You can't protect me from fate....

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